Ken Cosgrove

Rolling Stone does not care about Moss People.

BOOM! Roasted!

Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.

To be on your own?

He was too busy learning fluent Swaghili to come up with better lyrics.


Are you saying "start a fight club, Brad reputation" is a bad lyric?

Hey! What's going on?

The Black Keys are not trying to be Bob Dylan. Do not grade them on their storytelling ability. That is not what they are going for.

That lip-reading shot from 2001 was something that could have been on a Community episode. Taken too soon…goodnight sweet prince.

That lip-reading shot from 2001 had me in awe…it was such a perfect reference! Well done Mad Men!

Romanes eunt domus!

Stop using the word hipster as slang for "stuff I don't like".

Listen here, boy. This here is the AV Club. If you don't like Community, you can git out!

When a woman is that beautiful, you have to just go for it.

Alison, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'll be here baby.

I rate this news 1 Meowmeowbean, because IT IS GARBAGE!!!

I would pay a zillion apples to see a live read of that with the full cast. (I'm a 2, obviously)

Would it be wrong to kidnap Dan Harmon and tie him to my bed until he writes a 6th season?

The next person to say "bazinga" is getting pistol whipped!