Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

That's a decent summary of what you might call 'my type.' Care to make my life thrilling and difficult for about 8 months?

Different strokes, I guess. I thought Mr. Evil's response was just simple, cheap, lame, shouty, heavy-handed sarcasm. I'll never find that funny. ("I'll be sure to use the internet better" made me chuckle, though.)

Different strokes, I guess. I thought Mr. Evil's response was just simple, cheap, lame, shouty, heavy-handed sarcasm. I'll never find that funny. ("I'll be sure to use the internet better" made me chuckle, though.)



"Trafficking in stereotypes is never appropriate, because no matter how correct they may seem to be, you are almost certainly being influenced by cognitive biases and social expectations."

"Trafficking in stereotypes is never appropriate, because no matter how correct they may seem to be, you are almost certainly being influenced by cognitive biases and social expectations."

I don't know, @avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus , if all trolling just went totally ignored, don't you think it'd vanish? Like, if no one ever put Fred Phelps on tv, no one ever wrote about or mentioned his protests…what would motivate him to continue?

I don't know, @avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus , if all trolling just went totally ignored, don't you think it'd vanish? Like, if no one ever put Fred Phelps on tv, no one ever wrote about or mentioned his protests…what would motivate him to continue?

Or elect explicit neo-nazis to the national government.

Or elect explicit neo-nazis to the national government.

Is your claim that Andrew Dice Clay is funny?

Is your claim that Andrew Dice Clay is funny?

I find her occasionally funny and nearly constantly grating.

I find her occasionally funny and nearly constantly grating.

No one is funny on Wait, Wait.

No one is funny on Wait, Wait.

That's like saying you need to kinda reproduce Stairway to Heaven to have a rock song. Yeah, You Don't Have to Call Me Darlin' is amusing. But it's also about where people who don't actually listen to country stop.

That's like saying you need to kinda reproduce Stairway to Heaven to have a rock song. Yeah, You Don't Have to Call Me Darlin' is amusing. But it's also about where people who don't actually listen to country stop.

I think "Maybe" is what makes this song. It transforms it from typically hyper-sexually confident to something more like the nervous experience a young flirtation really is.