Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I certainly agree @avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus that it's never too late to have a nuanced discussion. I don't agree with your assessment that  those are the only reasons a white person tosses out the n-word, or that it'll start a fight if a white guy says it around black stranger. I mean, I know

Still the best episode of Undercover.

For christmas I want to retire "am I the only one" posts.

There's so much about that analogy that's nonsense, I'm not even sure how to address it. And I'm sure you know that your point has very little to do with what I actually am getting at.

He mean Lexus, but he ain't know it.

Way to make all of the comments, Renaton. How about leaving some for the rest of us next time.

Of course it's possible. But the issue is also one of reasonable expectations. If you work toward making something a large part of mainstream, popular culture, well, people might start acting like it's a large part of mainstream popular culture.

That was a nicely pressed collar. No one else there at the AV Club seems to own an iron.

Some games, you win when you don't play.

This is an especially tough time of year for the sad and lonely. Persevere.

Boring troll is boring.

It takes courage to be so genuine. Seconds in, I knew this was fantastic. And it only got better. I feel foolish being so laudatory, but this felt personal and affecting in the way few things are. John Darneille is a straight-up human.

'Batten down the hatches,' though, is a lazy stock phrase.

Snoop especially. I never caved to turing on subtitles, though. I find them distracting, and the context was always clear enough. Plus, it leaves some gems to find later when I re-watch it.

I sorta think a sketch comedy show should try to please. I feel like it's something SNL often lacks.

I found it charming. Don't compare it with a strong sketch, but with a fill-in bit. Wouldn't you rather see that than some shit like The Lawrence Welk Show or  some vaguely ethnic talk show where the host just sings and dances?

awwww . . . dangit

I'm a doctor! At least, that's what my username says.

Nothing snide or dismissive to say about this. It's fun seeing how much AVC enjoys having Wye Oak around, and how much they seem to like playing in the round room. This sad Christmas song made me pretty happy.

Well, I'm getting a digital copy. But I'm gonna pay for it, at least.