Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Washington lives for bitches and blunts. Jefferson lives for weed and money.

Motherfucking Karatloz. Not many of the oldtimers left.


grantland had a whole article about that video a couple weeks back. They also follow the NBC Thursday night comedies and The Walking Dead. The lesson is that AV Club needs more sports coverage.

Same. The year-end lists are one of the best resources for me to discover new stuff.

How quaint. A mere 162 comments.

Ah! Right. From the Red Dawn article, linked above.

I…have no idea what you're talking about.

OF COCK started with a ZoMoFo comment. I forget the article, but there are people running around who occasionally link to it.


There are some places you want to get drunk, but glass isn't allowed. Like a pool, or Oklahoma.


Dawes they know it's Christmas?

Laurel Canyon sounds like a boring place.

This comment section would have been much funnier if no one made a Dawes joke. The discipline needed would be unimaginable, but the irony would melt the universe.

For the anti-oxidants.

If it ain't of the first page of a google search result, it didn't happen.

Wrap it in barbed wire?

That was not a very badass thing to say.

So you saw a word that has a few definitions, picked one that didn't fit, and then criticized Leto for that particular definition not fitting? That's…not a good way to read words.