Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Oh, and check this out: you can see someone else's profile if you click on a link to their name. For example, to see mine, click @avclub-1fbcf885f8f5c9afc9f37188b3f00afc:disqus

Disappointing but true. However, I'll be all set if there's a big resurgence

As a magnificent narcissist, it's important to me to see my comment/like ratio. I'm sitting at a little better than 5:1.

If you start a comment then click on your picture, it takes you to your Disqus page. Or at least, it does for me. Sometimes.


How do you have the comment, but not the commenter?

You must admit, they go somewhat strategically underutilized.

Ok, I know three of these, which is a strong showing for me. But then there's the fact that I didn't know Jesu put something out this year. I'll be giving that a test drive post-haste. Thanks.

The word that springs immediately to mind is "cute." Which probably isn't what you're going for when you talk about your dick as much as he does.

Wow, I've only even heard two of those. This is why I started this thread, honestly. The lists are great jumping off points for me. Thanks.

I once made a bet with a friend that if something didn't happen, I'd eat my shirt. It was a heavy knit winter shirt too —- and one I really liked. I usually follow through on a bet. But I never ate that shirt.

Can we start talking about best of the year now? I think so. For me, this might make its way onto the list. It's still young for me, so I can't say definitively. But I think it's at least in the conversation.

I'd say something like, "It kicks Childish Gambino's ass" but Drake would never do that. He might politely suggest Donald Glover is doing a good job and he should really keep at it, and maybe just really put his nose to the grindstone next time out.  And perhaps lend him a book or something.

The production on the album is gorgeous, but there are so many problems here. I think a C is right on the mark. I keep waiting for the album to do something. It's a hookless, bland, shiny, mess. There's real skill and cleverness on display occasionally, but nothing like artistry. It sounds like hip-hop made at

Normally, I'm a proponent of strict spoiler warning adherence. But I think it was pretty clear a spoiler was coming up in this case. Still, yes, decorum does dictate an alert.

Maybe it's just really a unpleasant sensation, jumping inside someone like that. It's all gooey in there.

Primer deals with this issue quite nicely.

I would stand in line to watch this movie. I assume it's showing in 3D.

You've just proven that Cheers is in fact, not Todd's favorite or second favorite sit com.