Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

True, L1. At least rednecks add some worth to society and have some kind of competence.

Where'd you get your clothes? The toilet store?

The Next Folio

It also ruined fedoras for everyone. Except Steven Weinberg. That guy can wear the shit out of a fedora.

Oooooo. Cause the g is silent in lasagna. Jesus. Like I said, bad day.

I assure you I did. It's a bad day when you've been outsmarted by Lil Wayne.

I'm already ashamed.

John Gotti Sr.
however, will not be immortalized in celluloid.

M-dash, can't it be both?

Am I the only one who occasionally finds himself attracted to celebrities?

I'm magnificently befuddled.

Gotta have something to look forward to, I guess.

I feel the write up here doesn't properly express how amazingly unfunny Grown Ups is. I think during the writing process they figured "We can just add jokes in while we film. You know, ad lib and shit." But they just sort of forgot to.

You made a typo. You spelled 'are fortunate' like 'have.'

They had better be kidding when they say that. 'Cause that sounds worse than my psychedelic electro-dance freakout project, "Larry, Curly n' Motion' that I always claim to be a part of during SXSW.

The old man told me to eat anything in the fridge.

Yeah, Marshall killed me there. He looked like a 14 year old girl.

It's just like EVL, only it sucks.

Saw 'em once at the Iron Horse in Northampton. They weren't mind-blowing or anything, but it was a fun show. Got all the yankees footstomping in the middle of winter, which is an achievement considering yankees are such a dour people —- almost as glum as Germans.

Get a bum to eat stuff for y'all. Amusing for us, lunch for a bum.