Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

I can taste color.

Man, I like Stubb's.

How many time you gonna use the phrase "plot point?"

What we need is to die in the thousands on the muddy expanses of foreign lands, virtuously laying down our lives against an unambiguously evil foe.

B+ is a pretty good grade. Well above average and only just a hair below exceptional.

What a sad world when blow jobs are reserved for special occasions.

We're a lazy bunch of egomaniacs
and we will be the downfall of our country. We were all better off working ourselves to early graves.

What about Andrew Dice Clay? That was a douche-o-rama.

I donno, I liked it. I think he just came off as kind of unpretentious and straight forward. Which was a bit surprising.

Heh. Liberal Arts. Pansies.

You don't really miss a phantom limb. You miss the real limb. From what I understand, a phantom limb is pretty unpleasant.

Down here, guys.


A dance piece about the Chrysler Building you say? Watch Cremaster III. Sure, the dance is done with cars, but hey it's there.

I'm befuddled by your analogy.

Hey, swell!
I've got West Wing, disc one coming next on my queue.

Well, the average NFL career is 2.5 years, and the life expectancy for an NFL player is about 55-60.

I guess my point was that comparing the pay for all of porn to only pro athletes is a little thin. Instead, compare Grey to the pros and compare the rest to, I don't know, minor leaguers.

Well, the huge majority of athletes don't make the pros. If you add college athletes into your equation, the analogy works better.

There's an even bigger, hidden barrier for male porn actors. Perhaps it's covered by the very technical terms, "wagstamina" and "unit control," but it's important to note explicitly. It turns out to be shockingly difficult to get and maintain an erection when a room full of people are staring you down, impatiently