Dr. Wally Metropolisopolis

Willie and the Family, Live. It's a hell of a performance and a hell of a set list: Night Life, Gotta Get Drunk, Take this job and shove it, If you got the money I've got the time, Georgia on my mind…

Also, I'd add "Gotta get drunk," so that we can keep Willie in the mix.

Sangria Wine. You just sorta sloppily howl along. No matter how drunk you are, you'll sound just like Jerry Jeff.

I'll also lean Willie there too TCFKABMCiaS, but at then end of the day, I'm a Townes man.

Nice write-up
Seeing Willie live is something like a religious experience. His goofy little wave really does seem to reassure you that everything will be ok. It's no surprise that he's been compared to Jesus.

Huh, most of the things on a certain channel on TV aren't good. Astute observation.

I have this struggle too. Though I won't let a Netflix movie sit around unwatched. I'll actually send the thing back and move on. Typically, I'll have a backlog of movies at the bottom of the queue that get skipped over and over again, never to be delivered.

"The exception that proves the rule" refers to a perceived exception, that, upon closer inspection, is actually not an exception at all and therefore proves to be a deep justification for the rule.

I shall be a bigger, hairier mole than the one on your upper left thigh.

No love for the John Larroquette show?
I read Gravity's Rainbow because of that show.

You've ignored the first few words in each of the quotes you've cited. These theorems only say things about 1) theories capable of expressing elementary arithmetic or 2) formal, recursive, enumerable theories.

Well, be sure and let us know when it show up!

I'm sure many of y'all have seen this before, but I dig it:

Yes, that's true. The wavefunction itself evolves deterministically. I was referring to measurement specifically. And the results of measurements are not (necessarily) deterministic. I shouldn't have conflated determinism with 'being logical' so spuriously.

I think she was referring to the fact that there are an infinite number of non-Euclidean geometries, but only one of those is the geometry of relativity.

Further, the average of 1-6 (assuming each value is equally likely) is 3.5

Kantian indeed.

Sorry, my comment was a response to argeer guy and the 'you' was meant to be Robert Denby. It was unclear all around. But I'm also only posing the question. I wouldn't venture to make a positive statement.

I've been typo-alicious recently.

Well done!
Excellent review. Well written.