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So pfapfap, Um, is Sammi your ex-girlfriend or something?

Interesting that Ron's technique for cheering Deena up was the same one he uses to get Sammi to talk to him when she's mad at him: Corner her and say "listen to me" and "stop" and "look at me" over and over again. Maybe if he called her the C word, that might help.


I'm gonna say it. Ready?

The glasses pushed me over the edge. I watched him tossing all her stuff out on the deck and took it in stride - just Ronnie's usual jerkiness - but when I saw her pick up those broken glasses, I was like: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It's how she sees, man!!!!!!!

No way!

DENNY'S: 24hr competitive eating thunderdome
Funniest line of the night.

There we go! Tell you what, why don't you hit Ctrl C on that baby so you can have it ready to paste in every Sunday.

I was thinking the same thing, although I thought it was funny- very Maya Rudolph.

This review has been up for 2 hours already and no one has bitched about Kristin Wiig ruining the show yet.

I'm old too! That was such an awesome bit at the time. Remember that Book Mobile thing?

But I love when it says ZING!

As far as Snooky's stalker goes, just the fact that he had to talk to her with his forehead pushed up against her, like he was a lovesick goat or something, would make me run for the hills.

It's so weird that they didn't ask Judd Apatow.

Cary Grant and James Cagney wouldn't have done Dumb and Dumber. That's the point.

You can turn anything to shit. How do you like that?

Here's a better idea. Why don't you all just stop obsessing over Tim & Eric already? For christ's sake.

Those chocolate people look like SHIT PEOPLE. And I have to mute the tv when they come on because of their Glee-ized version of Melt With You.

Actually Joan has said (in that documentary) that she has always considered herself first and foremost, an actress, and that she is playing the part of a comic. I know what you mean about her being a caricature - I guess it kinda makes sense, and it maybe what she's going for!

Terrible show, too bad
Those unspontaneous phone conversations between Joan and Melissa in the beginning were just painful to watch.