I find it more "droll" than "funny", per se. But the mini-rant on this week's ep about social networking Pepsi machines made me laugh.
I find it more "droll" than "funny", per se. But the mini-rant on this week's ep about social networking Pepsi machines made me laugh.
I jumped on with the Neko Case interview, which was great, but yeah, the quality does go up and down.
Best bit was how the only example of white-people-bashing he offered up was the Poindexter-ish "white guy voice" that's become a hacky cliche anyway.
Seriously, Todd's Deadwood recaps are some of the finest writing on the site.
Agreed. It's a wonderful image.
Still waiting for the Fuckbook movie.
Amen, JMP. The continuity clusterfuck that resulted when Marvel tried to handwave away Xorn is exactly what I thought of when I saw this list. And it's irritating that after Morrison pumped out awesome superhero weirdness, dropped the mic and said "Top this!", editorial spent the following decade sweeping all the…
Yep, that Filmspotting talk was great stuff.
To whoever recommended the Filmdrunk Frotcast last week…
…I thank you with all my heart. I've never laughed at a podcast so hard as I have at this week's Frotcast. Whether they're taking apart every cliche in Battle: LA, or deconstructing that terrible Friday song, they're laugh out loud hilarious. Also, thanks to…
Chiming in to welcome the Comics Panel back. I think splitting it between the indie and genre/cape stuff is a good decision - makes for less jarring shifts in tone when moving between, say, the latest Chris Ware and the latest Spiderman issue. And I'm all for getting rid of the letter grades. I honestly love the…
Nerdist was the standout for me this week. I had no idea Wil Wheaton was such a funny fucker.
Blast from the past there.
My take: he stole Paulie's car, but passed out from blood loss and crashed it. The authorities treated him as a John Doe, and because he was miles away from Tony or Slava's usual area of operations, neither of them got to hear about it.
Anyone who automatically dismisses a band based on their "backstory" is a moron.
Michael Rapaport and A Tribe Called Quest?
How did that happen? I mean, it's perfectly possible the guy's a big old-school hip-hop fan, but I'd never have suspected it.
"In fact, we were doing a double-bollocks for casting."
Singlehandedly makes the commentary track better than the film. (Note: I haven't seen the film, but I still feel confident stating this.)
Adama's Wall-Painting Of Anguish (tm) somewhere in Season Four. NEVER FORGET
Best thing about Studio 60 was the absolutely merciless ribbing it received from 30 Rock.
I was just reading that paragraph, and thought, "Dude's gotta get paid." I mean, he wasn't canonised as a comics legend until relatively recently, and even that doesn't pay the bills.