
I agree with this. Season one is worth sitting through for the relationship between the two main characters. When I first saw the pilot during its original airing, it didn't inspire me to keep watching on a weekly basis, but a friend raved to me about how good the series was and lent me the first season on DVD. Being

I'd just be afraid that a Carrie series would be like the 2002 TV movie that was apparently supposed to be a pilot for a series about a fugitive Carrie white on the run and…I dunno… helping people with her telekinesis? How the hell did Bryan Fuller, of all people, end up writing something so awful?

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus I'm curious to know if, like the '90s USA Network series*, Nikita follows the Luc Besson film in much of any way. It could possibly be my favorite film of his. (It's between that and the director's cut of Leon: The Professional.)

Yep, Ackles's slasher movie remake was far better than Padalecki's.

While I enjoy the series as a whole, I definitely think the second season is a vast improvement over the first. Season three is even better—in fact, I'd say the best of the series. Season four is unfortunately very uneven, but season five really makes up for it.

Feh. Doesn't hold a candle to the original '60s series.

My crush on Gadget also thankfully didn't lead to me becoming a furry. It did, however, lead to my jaw dropping when I saw this photo in the Imgur album @avclub-9349e20458f64c9bfb83b5221e145937:disqus posted a few threads up.

@avclub-07b683aaf8286790f471dc144f596a33:disqus My older brother mentioned how much it amused him to imagine the guy in the studio just singing his heart out about the Gummi Bears. I mean, you can hear in his voice how much he was really giving it his all. It's like that story Mel Brooks tells about Frankie Laine

Yeah, wasn't the introduction of Serpentor a big five-part story?

I'm with you, @avclub-da496e2db2e50a068b4ae5549d4ae1b0:disqus, I don't think we'd be getting them at all right now if Disney weren't currently licensing out the rights.

@avclub-2cfc7c2a1eabaff9fdcc09b009e8edad:disqus I'd say it's pretty miraculous that all the DC animated universe stuff from Bruce Timm even exists (especially the stuff that had Paul Dini's input). I can remember seeing the designs of the series in TV Guide and other publications before the show premiered when I was a

I really wish that '90s X-Men show had better animation and voice acting. I always enjoyed how relatively sophisticated it was compared to other Saturday morning cartoons (especially when it came to serialized storytelling, just like in the comics).

@avclub-08ae6a26b7cb089ea588e94aed36bd15:disqus, the end of Chapter Nine ("The Billionaire of Dismal Downs") is the page that got to me the most. (Link below.) It's much more upbeat than Scrooge alienating his family, but understanding that Scrooge's mother and ancestor are leading his father off to the afterlife

ps: did anyone else immediately think of American Beauty when Underwood was in an undershirt on the rowing machine?

That seems to be the general consensus with UK TV.

I actually have the opposite reaction. To me, having people like Stephanopoulos and Soledad O'Brien makes the events of the series feel more real, whereas when they have fake newscasters/pundits, it seems like the TV/film crews are rarely good at replicating the look of the cable news shows. (This problem crops up in

I'm curious if editorial interference led to Judd Winick quitting Batwing. What I really enjoyed about the issues he wrote is how specific to the setting the stories were. Unfortunately, with the first issue by Fabian Nicieza, all I could think was that the story could be in any one of the Bat-books. There's nothing

While I like Simone's Batgirl just fine, I really wish they'd give it back to Bryan Q. Miller. Better yet, make Stephanie Brown Batgirl again!

Also, I'm kind of disappointed Team 7 is getting canceled. It's the closest thing DC has had to a Checkmate comic since the relaunch. Good Lord, I miss Checkmate!