
Don has to do something super redeemable for me to give a shit or root for him and Sloane as a couple. I need more than brunch to convince me. Start by not lying about an anniversary party, maybe? That character has just been so historically insufferable I can't even get past "Why is Sloane even into him?" But I have

The reason for Maggie's fuck ups was never "retweets."

Last week she tried to warn him to leave but wasn't feeling romantic towards him. I still am not convinced she is.

Half woman?

The car sketch had a couple problems for me, actually. It was still funny and I enjoyed it but, it reminded me of the French restaurant sketch from a couple weeks back, down to Peele bailing. It also looked entirely too much like the runner. Which is more a problem with having an in the car runner than the sketch

As a sitcom, Broad City could probably handle it, but for sketch shows, it really is a stretch for all involved.

It's not a stretch to imagine him explaining what rape really is or argue catcalling is a compliment? Because he mansplains sometimes? That's NOT a stretch? At all? In an episode where he looked visibly ill over rape threats? Well thank you for that ininsight Libby (not a dude).

When Gordon hung up on Barbara, I cheered and screamed "HA! NOBODY CARES BARBARA!"

He and his wife were seperated before the walkers, met back up at the shelter you see. The men he beat to death with his bare hands in front of them he did so because they raped her. Seeing his sheer brutality, the way he shut out his humanity and went agro, scared the shit out of them, and like most of those in the


And I find your mansplanation of mansplaining and butthurt sarcasm hilarious.

Omg, even your profile is wearing a fedora.

Episode was way better than I expected! And this review explained deftly why that is. Eugene confessing this soon and SEEING Abraham's backstory was quite impactful. I enjoyed Tara being bounced off of Eugene and ya know, her fist bumps are growing on me.

Randy: "Wanna put some money on it?"
Stan: *headdesk*
Me: To the AV Club!
Modell: Snark snark, snark snark snark.
Me: *headdesk*

It's painful, is what it is.

Can we talk about Gemma getting in Wendy's face ans telling her she has to raise HER ACTUAL SON Jax's way?! I get she was a shitty junkie for the first couple years of his life, but really?! It's not like she got him kidnapped and sent to Ireland FFS, or got a club house blown up in front of him, or had him live under

You are only a short Craigslist ad away from making your dreams come true! Follow your dreams, buddy!

Does school shooting not count as child murder?

I agree with the grade and most of this review. I have to disagree with the fist pumping for Carrie going all Walter White JUSTDOWHATISAYGAW! on Farah and Quinn. I get that spies have to do shady shit, but Carrie is obviously beyond shady and into no morality whatsoever territory, and her most trusted colleagues