
That is. SO. MUCH. to keep up with. For ONE of a gazillion plotlines in this show. And we just started the back half of season two.


I like Married…

This is like, the third episode in a row that ended with Virginia and Dan all ambiguous like. I'm over it. When he said he was leaving I yelled "BYE!" and when he said "I'm coming back for you" I yelled "NO!" It's all just so pointless and tired. I did love the Bill and Libby cocktail hour and Emily Kinney is doing

Fortune played that cameo for everything!

Russ's genuine glee gives it the plus.

But I love your screen name!

…Cool. ….Cool. … Cool.

I say that all the time!

I can't stop getting down to "calzone in my mouth"…

"I have trouble…words…saying?" This was just great. Everything about this episode delighted me.

The point to Gelman and "AH!" to Lina from Burns was, also. And then Gelman calls it back when she agrees the widower was boring. I'm totally sold.

As did I…person with my real name…o.O

Emily I was impressed with your insight into tonight's theme and the questions being asked by each sketch. Thanks for taking it on!

I wasn't as taken with this episode. And most of my complaints have to do with Tessa. I was literally screaming at the TV "I DON'T CARE ABOUT TESSA!!!" moments before she was assaulted, as if Ashford answered me back through the screen with a "HOW ABOUT NOW?! DO YOU CARE ABOUT HER NOW? HUH? HUH? HUH?!"

Please, bitch. Look up pictures of the actual Masters and Johnson and then kindly STFU.


But erectile dysfunction was one of the biggest parts of their actual research. Probably not because Masters couldn't get it up, but you know, drama.

Sons was a Handlen baby…and I thought he did ok for what was there.

Oh, and tonight was the finale so of course there's an entire thread dedicated to nothing but hating Bridgette Everett for existing.