Good pull on the whole food tasting concept. I didn't quite understand the little 'huh' he gave when she started wolfing down the food, but read that way it works.
Good pull on the whole food tasting concept. I didn't quite understand the little 'huh' he gave when she started wolfing down the food, but read that way it works.
I'd like to thank all the women on this thread who shared their period stories for informational purposes, because I now don't have to share mine.
Oh, apparently I am looking it up. Just get the pedants crown ready because I'm wearing that bastard for an hour after this.
(SPOILERS for AFFC I think, could be ADWD and I'm not looking it up)
Oh hells yes.
That thermic ice lance of a stare combined with the twitching ghost of a smile he gave Arya made my bloody day, and made me realize that they just wasted him on that 'romantic lead' bullshit earlier in his career.
The man needs enough scenes to get a 'supporting' nomination somehwere.
I hate that being in the UK has me a day behind. Sure, it's better than the 6 month Dexter waits we used to have, or the 'import the US dvd' system we still have to use if we want to legally watch season 3 onwards of Breaking Bad, but still. Here I am 36 hours behind the conversation with almost no thoughts that…
"So, our customers have had a good chance to look over this 'new 3D' we said would revolutionise the industry and they have found that they do not like it, that it is exactly as flawed as the old 3D, yet somehow much more expensive. I think we can all now agree that embracing new distribution models combined with IMAX…
And the last thing no-one's chucked in the 'reply to Bob K soup' we've got going on here is that the Lib Dems got to have a referendum only by watering down the proposed proportional representation element until what was left to be voted on was either
A) first past the post with a little bit of PR if the election is…
I'm with Olivececile. The idea that anyone would not ask 'which button?' struck me as silly and was nagging at me through the episode.
In a room full of heavy statuary and metal he picked a priceless piece of light wood and canvas to attack a robot. For me that screams 'I am terrible at spur of the moment weapon selection' rather than 'I am a badass'.
Yeah, back in the early days many of us in the UK thought that the fact that he was essentially unfunny, had no discernible talent, was unattractive, loud and annoying and never had a TV show that didn't bomb might just stop him.
Terminator: Salvation made me realize that T3 was actually a decent film. Sure, T3 didn't have the same feeling of dark threat as T1 or T2, but it had a plot. The character's actions made some kind of sense. It had action set pieces that looked like they had occurred outside of a CPU, and seemed to be plot prompted.…
God I love Miracle Whip. You can't really get it in the UK, so every now and then I get an imported jar from Amazon Grocery. MW has a brutal P&P fee, making a 440ml jar cost about 8.00. So in my house it's the most expensive and aggresively guarded condiment there is.
Yeah, nice acting in that scene, nice dialogue, but the premise of his 'humiliation' just didn't work for me. I don't get how Jaime could feel humiliated by his sister's husband banging other women when he's hip deep in said sister whenever he gets the chance. Wouldn't he just stand outside humming 'I'm banging your…
For the money. Because you had a whatsitmerjiggit in your cupboard worth 50,000 when your house burned down, and if you insured it you don't have to spend your time weeping over the lost new kitchen and AV setup for your new house, that the additional value of the whatsitmerjiggit would have bought you. Unless the…
Yeah, there's plenty of stuff 'given to the help' on the UK version, (although I always like to think a decent percentage of them are actually 'This is what my grandfather, the under gardener, accurately figured he could get away with without anyone noticing.') but there's just as many objects that were 'bought at…
Stephen King, Stephen King.
Stephen King, Stephen King,
So self referential it's a masturbatory thing.
When it wasn't enough to write about writers writing,
You went the whole hog and put yourself in.
With your short stories you know how to end it,
But your big novels just end with explosions of weird shit.
Your dialogue…
I'm so much more stoked about the picture
Why? Because it appears Rapace has replaced Rachael McAdams, that's why. God, she was awful in the first one. For a while there McAdams kept getting roles written as 'strong, resourceful' and she played every damned one as a breathless bond girl, just waiting for the moment…
He will still be including tons of autobiographical references and canonising his parents again, right?
Poor Wu Lao. That poor bastard was gagged, bound and burned alive on a pile of money, and he never even gets a mention in the 'why TDK is the most hardcore PG movie' discussion.