
After seeing the orange ad in front of HP7 my neurons whipped from:
"Oh Christ, that is new low."
"Oh wait, it looks crappy because its an advert, thank god for that. Wow I actually thought that they'd make that for a second"
I'm now in "Wait, what?" mode, and I think I'll stay there, rather than acknowledge that someone

Cutting Godrics Hollow would be harder than Tasha thinks…
Because something important does happen there, the wand gets broken. So you'd have to move that event to somewhere else, and that change would stick out like a sore thumb. Also, that scene contains a decent amount of action in the middle of a quiet stretch in

Nope, we say Merry Christmas too.

Oh, I expect there were a few. Its just that the ones that weren't fireproof would be nervous talking about it in public.

I'm with you. No love for HP7 or 'Made in Dagenham', yet this camp fiasco gets a B- because that grade is higher than it ever aimed for?

You know what Edked? I think a really crappy ending really can ruin a show forever without you being an idiot.

Er, actually, I've recently been getting into the Herzog docs, but have avoided this one till now because I had heard that the camera had been on during the attack. This, combined with Herzog's unflinching attitude to his subjects, made me worry that some part of that footage would make it on there, and I absolutely

Oh yeah. That's the stuff.

I haven't so much re watched The Dark Knight as developed an OCD disorder around it. At least I'll get some variety when Inception comes out on Blu Ray. The only Nolan film I haven't re watched is Insomnia, I could never connect with it.

I think part of 2001's problem is that it's the Ur film for modern sci-fi. Its got a lot of stuff that seems familiar because its influenced damn near every sci-fi you've ever seen. It looks okay until you realise it was filmed BEFORE MAN WENT TO THE MOON for God's sake. Its models and shots of space have more weight

If we're talking trailer twists then someone has to mention the 'Terminator Salvation - Marcus's Torso' trailer. Given that the scene happened some way into the movie (30-40 mins), everyone wondered why they put it in there.

This may just be because I'm stupid, but I thought that the 'twist' of Shutter Island was seeing it again and noticing all the stuff your brain had dismissed first time around because it thought it was watching a different film, in exactly the same way the characters were skipping the bits of reality they didn't want

Oh, Balls.

While he was doing the publicity rounds for the third one (ultimatum? yes, I think so) Matt Damon was interviewed by Jon Stewart. In the interview he said he and Greengrass were joking that if they ever did another one it could be called 'The Bourne Redundancy'. So there's that…

Also, 'Jon Hamm is appearing as a guest in another project.' is happening enough to not really be a surprise any more. He's starting to make every TV show feel like the last seasons of 'Will and Grace'.

don't worry, she'll be back to ad work soon.

Actually Thundercats, I didn't. Thanks.

I'm gutted
I had money riding on 'any alcohol related cause of death' for Hitch. And I was certain that was one bet that would come good.

Wasn't the tagline for the 'making of' book for Lady in The Water: How M Night Shymalan risked his career on a fairy tale? And here we are a couple more flops later still wondering when enough will be enough. I don't necesarily want him to stop making movies, but he needs an intervention. He needs someone to sit him

There is no Hamlet