
It's not just the voice, she keeps saying "Dianne" material while they're together too.

Are there other parts of her family on the show?

Moralizing about real world issues does not look good on Archer. As far as i know, the premise of that waterboarding subplot (that it's horrific torture despite not looking so bad to outside observers) is actually true, but isn't quite consistent with the world and character of Archer. They lampshade this by

Peridot actually resulted in a lot of Amethyst development though.

If you DON'T want your planet to be strip-mined by alien invaders…you might be a clod.

She did jump straight to kidnapping when that didn't seem necessary or consistent with how she behaved pre-freezing, when she seemed to have strained relationships with the other elementals, but basically let them do what they wanted.

as brought to you by el yeyo

This one's such an embarrassment of riches there's almost no point

Coincidentally his ass has also gone on some pretty great balloon adventures.

I'm sure i'm mangling this quote i can no longer place, but i always think of "The Great Dictator was a damning work of satire, but ultimately it did very little to stop Hitler."

Sometimes Cracked of all things makes me think about how the future will view various crazes and fads and inexplicable quirks of current events/history i've lived through. And in most cases, i think what they're going to get wrong is that they'll know what happened but assume that we didn't know how stupid our

She wasn't very invested, which hurt, but at least we got "I haven't seen Day Live" out of it.

I wonder if that was the first time i did any wall-jumping. Did any of the strider/ninja gaiden/shinobi things involve that? If not i think batman is it for me. I don't remember it being bad, especially by the standards of wall-jumping, but i sure didn't beat it.

I got some help on that front from something on the NES called uh Dino Riki i believe. It was one of the first times where i encountered something that wasn't hard or inscrutable but had terrible hit detection on some stuff. Like, it was just badly programmed in a way that made you die sometimes counter to its own

I have no problem with very different people getting together. And with Reagan, in addition to being a mouthpiece for a lot of fun Dr Spaceman/Stephen Colbert DFA type jokes, one of the aforementioned things i thought worked about Reagan before was her playing disbelieving straight man and then reluctant convert to

I was pretty undiscerning when i read them, and still found continuing insufferable around 6 or so, so enjoy the upswing while it lasts.

Yes Man meets The Game and they do not recognize each other.

He still seems to have a lot left over though.

I think she might be pledging her clavicle's allegiance to Dave.

Maybe you could get some kind of injunction or restraining order against plants. Spraying a bunch of material intended for sexual reproduction up your nose in public without your consent doesn't seem like it can possibly be legal.