
It's pretty tedious dealing with people (and corporations) who don't really get it, to the point that i don't think the whole thing is worth it on balance. To really work the "prank" should be absurd on the face of it, something you can reasonably work out isn't true even if you don't remember what day it is. And it

Now you know how Greek people must feel about that show GRSSK.

I wonder how a drastically simpler model like "minutes of screen time" or "lines in final script" would do.

You can even say sentences entirely in a language they don't speak, and it's so close to their normal experience with English, they just kind of pause for a second and go about their business without asking you to clarify or repeat yourself or whatever.

Right, their only beef with Peter is people calling him the first pope.

You don't even need Muslims to make the movie for fans of this movie to get angry, just for the Christians who don't hate them to do so. Make a film about religious persecution against Christians taking in and supporting Syrian refugees contrary to the wishes of their surrounding communities, see how quick these guys

I'm aware; i mean, who the fuck knows that song's real name but not who did it? It just seemed like a relevant point of comparison in terms of really ironic song choices for otherwise-serious scenes of violence.

Lazy jokes are basically indistinguishable from how movies actually get cast as far as i can tell.

Yeah it's not a great measure. It's not even _just_inflated, it also punishes films with deceptive marketing regardless of the actual quality of said film.

Hey, not all prophecy is self-fulfilling. Sometimes a director just really wants to fuck his mom whether you predict it or not.

So it goes.

It's risky. That Orinoco Flow flow scene in the Dragon Tattoo remake was really divisive.

I've only seen him in Die Hard [subtitle i don't want to remember] and apparently he was in Unbroken? I would say it's a bad sign i don't remember his role in Unbroken at all, but it's not like i remember anything else in Unbroken, so i'm gonna call a mulligan on that one.

Marketing to the best and brightest is a great way to go broke.

I'd say he's basically a bimbo. Sort of unselfconsciously vacuous, unrelentingly bubbly, proudly incurious about anything other than superficial stuff etc.

That "stretching" seemed more like an excuse to bend over in front of him than a legit physical activity-preparedness move.

I jumped to "stolen kidney" but that seems a little out there even for Broad City, so now i'm not sure.

I could see her being the sort of person to not break up with him for a while despite hating his idea of a good time and finding about half his personality deeply embarrassing.

I've got it: that spambot's friend was a catfishing scam character, and the original bot is referring to someone who the catfisher tricked into marrying it.

That felt weirdly mean of Ilana, but only because it was directed at Abbi. For anyone else, i totally believe she would take a one-line statement and spin it into a crazy, extremely detailed caricature, then when proven totally wrong by the next line, do it all over again in a different direction.