
Yes, reducing people to sex objects is far healthier than me watching Cold Mountain because I think Jude Law is handsome. If only I had you're cool, confident ability to distinguish between reality and fiction, but I'm a woman, so celebrity crushes and actual attainable relationships are basically the same thing to

So I just learned that most independent bookstores can order books for you, at no extra cost, and that they'll usually have it the next day, since they use the same suppliers as Amazon. They won't deliver it to your door, obviously, and they can't beat Amazon's used book prices, but if you're getting a new book

Did you guys layoff your copy editor or something? This is getting ridiculous.

I think somewhere in the Lord of the Rings DVD extras there's a bit from the production team talking about designing dragons for the nazgul and how it was literally impossible to make a giant flying lizard that could abide by real world physics. Even their end design, with a very thin body and the wingspan of a jet,

Oh god that was the same thought I had. I don't have Netflix, so the library is where I get all my (legal) movie rentals.

This is an article?

Um, because some people really can't help being fat? There are people who eat too much and people who just eat junk food, but there are also people who can't afford to eat anything else, who can't exercise because of medical reasons, and who are genuinely just predisposed to being fat. And even if they are fat because

It's just bizarre. If I were a director saddled with the task of remaking a show that was already broadcast to American audiences eight month ago, I'd try to differentiate myself as much as possible.

Literally no one cares.

I agree. Anyone who grew up in America and is between the ages of 18 and 27 who's never read Harry Potter has been actively avoiding it. I don't even care if you read it and hated it. At least you tried.

McHale seems like a pretty loyal person, I can't imagine him agreeing to something like that and screwing everyone else on Community out of a job.

I want to be there for those parent-teacher conferences. "I know the curriculum said we'd be reading 'Where the Red Fern Grows,' but we watched 'Trouble in Lumpy Space' instead. It's not as if your son really needed reading comprehension skills anyway."

Okay, but Master and Commander's source material definitely has women in it – Diana, Sophie, Sophie's mother and sisters… The movie chose to leave them out, but that doesn't mean you can use "historical context" as an excuse when a series of books telling the same story managed to include women in a historically

Is tokenism worse than racism? Is it really? Is it reeeally? Really is it? Is it reeeeeeeally?

True, but it doesn't explain how they apparently walked from Muir Woods to the Marin Headlands (or why the sign said "Golden Gate Park").

Did you read the article at all? The issue isn't that rape was portrayed, it's that rape was used as a titillating plot point to draw in male viewers. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Except the LSD theory was pretty much disproved. The trail were more likely the result of social tensions –almost all the women accused lived outside the societal norms (poor, unwed, ect.) – which doesn't exactly sound like gripping television.

My mom hasn't lived in Chicago in over thirty years, and she still insists on pointing out that Bob Newhart takes the wrong train in his opening credits.

"Dosh for gold! Turn your gold into cold hard dosh!" That's the only other place I've heard that word used.

I had no idea there were so many JFK-obsessed teachers. Mine taught US History and spent several weeks lecturing us about "magic bullet" and second shooter theories. He also thought 9/11 was an inside job. I didn't learn a single fucking thing in that year.