
That version of that speech is what made me love Shakespeare. It still gives me chills.

Aaah I almost forgot my third grade teacher who got fired for showing us Austin Powers. Good times.

lol our seventh grade anti-drug education was fairly similar. We didn't get Helen Hunt, but we spent several gym periods watching a Hallmark movie about a girl who kills her best friend in a drunk driving accident. I don't really know what the point was –– I suppose don't drink or your life will be ruined.

Jason, you watched "Night and Fog," which I didn't watch until a tenth grade history class. I can't imagine why your teacher thought it was a good idea to show that to a bunch of twelve and thirteen year olds.
On another note, I'm glad to hear my school wasn't the only one that watched a ton of movies. I'm ashamed to

Diamonds on the soles of her shoes. Because. I'm. Such. A. Girl.

What kind of terrible, self-loathing person would be a Star Wars fan? (as in, a person who actively seeks out news and discussion about this train wreck of a franchise.)

Agreed. Bullock was excellent and I'm a little baffled by the assessment that she was struggling. She owns her scenes and had me totally riveted.

Yeeeeeeeess. It's such a simple concept but it works so well.

"The Puppetmaster" from Avatar the Last Airbender, without a doubt. A lot of scary episodes no longer frighten me on repeat viewings once I've seen the monster defeated, but "The Puppetmaster" has such a genuinely creepy concept that it still haunts me. Also, the monster sort of wins (her power lives on in Katara)

I thought Mark's character was left a little open-ended. The last we saw of him was him screaming and throwing things on the beach. Goddammit BBC America. Why couldn't PBS have bought this instead?

I've loved this show, but the finale left me feeling underwhelmed. Of course, maybe that was the point? My TV-watching brain wants it to end with a spectacular showdown involving a truly loathsome villain, but instead we got a quiet confession and a solution that brought up as many loose ends as it resolved. This show

This looks awesome. Thanks for reminding me about it. I'm not familiar with the other plays, but I love Henry V so I'm excited to see what they've done with it.

Yeah, this article is really strange. Who on earth goes to a show and forks over five dollars for a worthless piece of plastic? Cassettes are crap; stop trying to resurrect them in the name of 90s kid nostalgia.

I feel like such a failure for never noticing he wrote Britta's textbook. Other than that YAY DUNCAN'S BACK!

Favorite moment by far - Joel's rant to Audrina Patridge when she showed up at a promotion for a bowling alley and told reporters they could only ask her questions about bowling [http://www.youtube.com/watc…]

Yep that's what I thought he was saying too. I think I like my imagined lyrics better, but still . . . really great song. I start doing my spastic dance moves every time it comes on in my car.

I can't believe Prisoner of Benda isn't on here! Washbucket disapproves.

I love this episode! It's worth a place on this list if only for Zapp's spoken word version of "Lola."

That mobile soup business is super cute. I'm so glad you did something good with your winnings.

Try Work Outing or Dinner Party. Those were the ones that got me hooked.