
Future book spoilers.

Ok it's fine that what I said is axed but let the record show that all I really did was quote David Sims, alright?

Don't worry I spoiled everything and ruined the series for the newbies this week.

Martin has said that the rainbow cloaks were just because Renly is flamboyant and not meant as gay iconography. I missed that Renly was gay while reading the books even though several characters stop just short of saying it outright.

I was really hoping we would get a drowning scene with the Iron Islanders. There's a lot more weight to 'what is dead may never die' if you actually 'die' and get resuscitated. Oh well.

"…and that grim baptism scene (Balon looks on, not proud, but not disgusted either) just reeked of abandonment issues."

So the sellsword knew internal affairs was setting him up the whole time?

The only wasted screen time so far is the stuff with Craster. If all the events on the show happened chronologically then the Nights Watch would have spent weeks at Craster's keep which doesn't make sense. They should have condensed that into the first two or perhaps just the first episode, I think.

Lommy Greenhands used to be a dyer's apprentice… before he took an arrow to the knee.

Twincest for some… miniature Stark banners for others.

Goons are a real problem where I live.

No one saw or heard Zimmerman "pick a fight" with this kid. You're just making shit up now.

It's legal to use deadly force in self defense in Florida. I'm not sure why the police are to blame for that.

I think, therefore… I suffer?

Nice that you get notified when someone replies to your post. Otherwise I would have never seen that zinger.

In fact, the number of shitty movies he's directed so heavily outweighs his good ones that I suddenly have no hope that this movie wont suck.

Do the captain's chair know we gonna look like some punk-ass xenomorphs?

The brigand's D-

That movie starts being funny with the title. Did they finalize the name before the election results were in?

I would think that anyone who actually takes their religion seriously would be upset that someone thinks they're using it to win football games.