
Whoa, there will be black jack and hookers in heaven? Awesome.

Top 50? Nigga, how many TV shows do you fucking watch?

Meek's Cutoff, Drive, Insidious

I cannot answer you, because it’s totally unknown to me what you just asked me, and also very boring.


1. Assassin
2. Assassin
3. Assassin
4. Assassin
5. Assassin
6. Assassin
7. Assassin
8. Assassin
9. Assassin
10. Assassin
11. Assassin
12. Assassin
13. Assassin

It was a geek, a girl geek. And she wanted you to bring the funny and call her a pretty pretty princess.

Pffft. More like Disqust!

What a fun, sexy time for us.

Shit Balls III, actually.

I'm sorry but the correct answer was:

As one giant, shambling mass of pop-culture dweebery, Netflix is relevant to our interests.

Biggest disappointment since Naked Lunch.

Before all this protesting began I expanded my equity portfolio to include the world's largest bongo manufacturer.


But what did they light the $100 bills with?

No. They congeal in dark, enclosed spaces.

I will do it.

Then you're making the same mistake that so many have made before you.

Obviously, 'obviousky' is Russian for 'obviously.'