Slice of Bright

Nathan Rabin needs to do a My World of Flops on San Antonio, specifically Parker and Ginobili. 

Nathan Rabin needs to do a My World of Flops on San Antonio, specifically Parker and Ginobili. 

AV Clubbers might not be able to name any members of the Thunder, but you know they'd love Russell Westbrook's post-game wardrobe. 

AV Clubbers might not be able to name any members of the Thunder, but you know they'd love Russell Westbrook's post-game wardrobe. 

I'm pretty sure he did.  The way his eyes followed her after she spilled the wine?  He knows, and you're right - he'll be filing that away.

I don't know about Jon Snow and Daenerys getting together, but I fully expect for them to converge at some point… In some sort of clash of fire and ice that involves dragons fighting White Walkers.

I thought his sister had already provided a pretty good argument for why that wouldn't happen.  Don't you think?

Somehow I don't think that the giant smoke demon is going to be the "legitimate heir to Stannis" that he seemingly needed.  I don't think that's what the people would have had in mind.

I'm pretty sure they used that one on an episode of Bones, or some variation. 

Honestly, I remember liking at least the first five or six episodes at least, and maybe more than that.  But at some point it just went downhill and never even hinted at recovery.

I'm here to help!

Regarding the lack of comments: is this a relatively new AV Club feature?  I somehow stumbled upon it for the first time tonight, but really like what I've found.  It appears that the posts only go back to January of this year?

I read this article just to see if they would still use it.

I thought that I must have been the only person to grow up with a crush on Billy the Blue Ranger.

I'm considering it a huge victory that I only read the first paragraph of this review, and felt the need to publicly pat myself on the back.  Every week I read this review on Thursday night, though I don't ever get to watch the episode until Friday.  (I'm cheap!  No cable.)  Just the first paragraph has me extremely

I wholeheartedly agree.  I always enjoy AV Q&A's, but they don't usually make me laugh like this.

Thanks for reposting!  I've only been reading the reviews for a few weeks, and totally missed it.  This is great!

That's what I understood, too.  Especially when Rebekah stated it twice, something like, "The witch of the original family … the Original Witch."

I'm pretty sure that, last season, Elijah told us he had seven brothers and sisters.  I also think that he told us that Klaus killed all of them.  I may be misremembering, but I do think that Elijah told us the number of brothers and sisters.  I'm not sure how the little siblings killed by the werewolf and plague play

I would love to see the rules for this drinking game!