
Hooray for the Ivy Leagues!
We all couldn't graduate from Gudger College.

"Beats for weeks"
Oh, the things we could do with that sentence…why do you make it so easy for us?

Let me tell ya, when those scenes came on, I completely stopped watching the actual show and wished they had just aired the cartoon in it's entirety, just to satiate my Loony Tunes jones.

Want a perfect way to get your kids and anyone you know to never play the Wii again? Buy a Wii.

Damn why the hell didn't I see that above? Delete this shit.

Replace "O-Town" with "O Henry", and we have an accurate statement.

Double Feature
Anyone feel like a double feature of "Boys" and the Friedkin-helmed, Pacino starring "Cruisin'"?

Is it wrong?
Is it wrong to admit I prefer this incarnation over Joy Division? I mean in general terms, not hipster cred.

This is why I always write in William Jennings Bryan at the polls.

So is next week the big finish, then?
Or are you going to go back and try to fill out some of those "regrettably unremarked upons"? Because I don't know what I'm going to do with my Mondays for the rest of the year now.

Word on the street was that was the last song she ever sang.

I was always partial to "Billy and the Clonosaurus"
But seriously, ER was great, and I think "Eaters of the Dead" is seriously underrated, especially read back-to-back with the Seamus Heaney translation of "Beowulf."

It'd been hilarious if that first shirt was missing a few vowels.

The demo version of "I've Found a Reason." Slick guitar and very Dylanesque with that harmonica.

My first exposure to Zevon came in the days leading up to his death, when I caught him on Letterman. I was amazed at his candor and humor throughout, and that had you not known in advanced of his cancer, he would've seemed like just another musical guest (except, you know, good). It was good stuff then and