
I wish a show set in the late '80s/early '90s would have the balls to give a main character a mullet. Also I think 1990 is too early to show a slip dress over long sleeve shirt outfit but it does look cool.

The first season of Buffy is pretty weak. A lot of stories you'd see on other teen shows, but with MONSTERS. I'd recommend getting through some of the second season before throwing in the towel. Spike is introduced in episode 3 and that's an especially good one.

Which is funny because I find the taste of Kraft mac and cheese so gross that I had to eat it with ketchup as a kid. White cheddar mac and cheese is a different story although I'll usually put some ketchup and sriracha in that too.

But she didn't bait him with it. People keep saying that but she was planning on having an abortion then Becca told Paul she was pregnant and he baited her with the idea of a family. He did this all to himself.

The part where Josh loses his virginity to Rita during the sequence of Nacho flashback stuck with me for awhile. It was so innocent like it would be normal if there wasn't such an illegal age difference and that made it even more unsettling.

The more I think about it the more I realize that the Animals of Instagram Cruise was just a plot device to keep Gretchen from telling Jimmy about his dad, but the fact that Jimmy would choose that one for her says a lot about their relationship.

Because there was a chance he was never going to perform again. He had surgery, went through radiation and then went on a cross country tour.

My friends and I used to hang out together on Saturday nights just to listen to that show with Grant Lawrence. We even got a request in during the last episode before it moved to satellite radio. Obviously, we were very cool.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Sloan is huge in Japan, or at least was huge in the '90s

While I agree with you, the 'hack' comics were, I believe, writers from the show that they cycled through each day. I was talking about this with a friend the other day that The Nightly Show was doing the same thing that every other talk show does for the first 20 minutes and then cramming a panel show in the last ten

Every time I hear "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys I think of Conan singing it as Edith Bunker during the writer's strike a few years back.

I just saw them do a free show at an arts festival this past weekend. They only played for an hour, but it was a tight hour. I went with my friend who got me obsessed with them in high school and we were right up front next to a dad and his little girl who knew all the words.

I just finished re-watching season 3, and I can see how people didn't like it, but I feel like those themes about motherhood and faith were really well incorporated over the season which makes it work for me.

I've been debating commenting on here because a) I personally hate writing emotional posts on social media and b) as his niece I don't like drawing the attention to myself in any way because of the news, but seeing the outpouring of support is just really surreal and overwhelming. I don't think he expected it and, for

I was not interested in seeing this until I saw the commercial with Rose Byrne's character trying to bribe someone with a handful of coins. My boyfriend and I laugh every single time.

Probably. With lyrics like "My favorite part of 'Jurassic Park' was how real the raptors looked" I wanted to stab my own eardrums after awhile.

I work at a clothing store and fortunately the playlist is changed every couple of weeks or so, but there is always at least one terrible song in that list, such as that Owl City song that features Hanson. We just got out of the reign of terror that was a Justin Bieber song that ends with him talking about how much he

Is that the one on Bloor that is now a rock climbing gym? Gentrification is so weird.

My friend and I got a kick out of the idea of Superman being a Charlie Rose fan. That and the way Laurence Fishburne said you could buy an "apple for a nickel" which I forget the context for. Other than that I could not explain to you what was going on in this movie.