Jamie Stewart

I actually got the same Silver Linings vibe.  I don't know if the diner had something to do with it.

In Grown Ups 3 the whole gang is accidentally transported through time to a weird and goofy Nazi death camp.

Isn't that what was good about season 1?  Their unique take on these old played out fairy tales. . But yeah, the plot doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

Peter Jackson.  You are better than this!  The producers/directors were all:  Hey, Ashton kind of looks like Steve Jobs and can talk in a silly Steve Jobs voice.  We got a movie!

I was thinking maybe Tim Burton directing for a gothicy version.  Maybe have Johnny Depp as Luke or Han, Helena Bonham Carter as Leia, Danny Devito as all of the ewoks, and Michael Chiklis as Darth.

And the plants will kill you.

And the plants will kill you.

I had low expectations going into the show.  I've never found Kroll that funny or anything that Comedy Central makes for that matter.  I was really impressed by the pilot though.  The Publizity sketch was awesome.

it's just easier that way.  i need to know where my crimes are and where my funny shows are.

maybe a third network fxxx for juicy nudes and existential crime dramas.

what about Mcdermott as a lion and Stephen King as a cross-eyed warlock?

It's definitely worth checking out if you're digging the second season.  Lots of crazy ghosts and an awesome performance by Jessica Lange imo.

"This Tab is warm, jesus."

Hot Tub Time Machine 2:  Boobs and Boners
Hot Tub Time Machine 2: Too Haute to Handel

What is the stance of the toned asses in this articles photo on racial metaphors?

Pirates of the Caribbean VI:  Rise of the Tentacles

Tyler Perry's Jurassic Park: Raptor Reunion

Completely agree.  Though, is it right do be calling these mass murders "soulless" and "evil"?  Everyone came out after Newtown and called for discussions about our nations mental health problems yet we demonize and put so much stigma towards people who are mentally disabled/insane.  You turn on any news show and

Definitely agree with this post.  I'm always surprised how much I like the Letterman musical guests because the only people I know that watch Letterman are my grandparents.

Craig Ferguson is awesome.  I think he has the fun and absurdity that Conan had when he was on Late Night.  I love how he has incorporated Geoff and the Secretariat more in the show.