
Getting it wrong / TV Set
I'm an attorney, work at a big firm, just finished law school a year ago. I don't watch too many courtroom dramas (or comedies - I'm looking at you, "Boston Legal") because I don't want to work at that all day, and then watch it at home at night. (Not that my job is like any of those shows.

The next Shatner?
Doesn't it seem like he's aiming for the same type of career Bill Shatner has? You know, making lots of cash off of making lots of fun of himself?

Did "they" put in a bump - not "the". Dammit.

Again with the nose
Seriously, did the put a bump IN when they did the nose job? Because pre-new-nose, she kind of looks like Elisabeth Shue in the face - which, to some of us, is a compliment.

Hopefully not a 2X post with this
Well, the results are mixed on this surgery - sure, boobs are a force to be reckoned with, and I won't comment on those. But if the small pre-surgery picture shows her old nose, then she shoulda kept it - her face looks better with the original.

Futurama = awesome.

Winebot, I think we can all agree that Rosie O'Donnell really is a dipshit.

I also love that Winebot misspelled "duly" (as "duely") in his post on how good at Scrabble he is! Not an attack, just a chuckle.

A little late
But which one is it? From the same post, by our buddy, our pal, Winebot:

Yeah, just because much of white America holds racist beliefs doesn't make it okay for any given individual, whose opinions you're evaluating, to have the same racist beliefs. I get that he was trying to say something a little more helpful, and rather less inflammatory, and good for him for wanting to do so. But

@ wowser (or anyone who will answer)
Is this guy an "emo kid"? I've never watched his videos, but from the stills I always thought he was supposed to be a cross-dressing gay guy, or maybe even a pre-operative (or post-really-bad-operation-operative) transsexual. I'm not even being sarcastic. Anyone?

That idea #3 could be used to resurrect the moribund "Knight Rider" franchise, as well, if they can make it KITT that chases Big and Footface around NYC.

The vast number of cliches in this show is the number one reason I can't watch it. Which is a shame, because it does have an interesting premise and good actors.

Her voice isn't too weird, but that whole hippie-girl a la Edie Brickell head shaking / hair flipping thing she does is annoying. . .