
C, M-I-N-E-S.


Did you mean high school diploma? I've got both, just in case. And my answer's the same.


No, the reason there are Parks and Community battles each week is because people keep creating Parks and Community battles out of nothing. I was just equating Satan with Chuck Lorre, not making a comment about which show is better or more important.

I would gladly trade all those shows to Chuck Lorre for a guarantee of a 4th Community season.

I think you meant, "STACKing CANned GOODS at the local SUPERMARKET."

First, go back to school and get a major in journalism with a concentration in media studies. Then we'll talk.

Because Todd has a crush on one or both of the female leads?


I was always baffled by the fact that Shirley hated Sam and Diane, because she was a big proponent of Jeff and Britta, who seem to have been modeled in part on those two. Shirley even has a few lines in "Interpretive Dance" where she observes that Britta has been "warming him up, stirring in sweetener, and making him

You forgot Adam Countee.

Last night's episode was actually 304. That tweet was written in June, before the network made the decision to switch the third and fourth episodes. So whatever's going to blow our minds, it wasn't in this episode.

*flashes Scrawler signal*

Most of the people still reading these comments will have seen this, but here's the original Alison Brie rap:

Nothing is funnier than John Michael Higgins shouting things like "COUNTER POINT!" and "DOUBLE REJOINDER!"