Bloody Mary



I saw all the kids on Tumblr talking about "shipping" and "so many feels" and then it carries over to this review.

I saw all the kids on Tumblr talking about "shipping" and "so many feels" and then it carries over to this review.

Roger DID, he said to Pete, "I hope you told him to take a long walk (off a short pier) and then Pete implied Joan suggested she might do it for the right price.  I thought this scene was a great example of how men will have a certain set of standards individually that devolve when in a pack.

Roger DID, he said to Pete, "I hope you told him to take a long walk (off a short pier) and then Pete implied Joan suggested she might do it for the right price.  I thought this scene was a great example of how men will have a certain set of standards individually that devolve when in a pack.

Pete has been crushed repeatedly, by his parents, by Peggy, by Trudy, by giving up the huge account to protect Don, the Mohawk strike, Beth, Beth's husband, it never ends.  He's damaged.  I still feel for the guy.

Pete has been crushed repeatedly, by his parents, by Peggy, by Trudy, by giving up the huge account to protect Don, the Mohawk strike, Beth, Beth's husband, it never ends.  He's damaged.  I still feel for the guy.

Yes, I agree he's totally nailing it. Likewise for Jon Hamm to be so wonderful and through ACTING! make me completely loathe Don tonight is pretty skillful.

Yes, I agree he's totally nailing it. Likewise for Jon Hamm to be so wonderful and through ACTING! make me completely loathe Don tonight is pretty skillful.

Ah!  I remember Pete remarking on the fact that he started drinking early.  Thanks.

Ah!  I remember Pete remarking on the fact that he started drinking early.  Thanks.

It's awful, like coming home from work and watching work.

It's awful, like coming home from work and watching work.

Could the government not even have known Don existed, an undocumented birth? I  thought he mentioned he volunteered for Korea because he thought it was his ticket off the farm.

Could the government not even have known Don existed, an undocumented birth? I  thought he mentioned he volunteered for Korea because he thought it was his ticket off the farm.

"Chemical Bank" - doesn't that just sound like the most evil institution ever?

"Chemical Bank" - doesn't that just sound like the most evil institution ever?

"Maharishi, you little twat/Who the fuck do you think you are?/Who the fuck do you think you are?/Oh, you cunt." - John Lennon

"Maharishi, you little twat/Who the fuck do you think you are?/Who the fuck do you think you are?/Oh, you cunt." - John Lennon