Bloody Mary

Reply to @avclub-f14314bf4d4a1bd450664f089241fe86:disqus

I tried True Blood when it premiered and thought it was trash, but I haven't visited its review weekly to post about how I'm not watching it.

I agree, that was truly awful.

Once again, obviously, the top pick for tonight is not Switched At Birth, but…

So, when are you reviewing the Tracey Gold/Carnie Wilson episode that was on last night? They made it "control freak vs. free spirit" because that's what we all thought it was going to be about, right?

Mostly reacting to the earlier unwarranted snottiness about "crib", but it seems easy to guess that the concept of hitting someone with a blunt object is just about the oldest possible thing in the world.

I'm thinking the lack of money actually made them order a show with broad appeal (not too smart for the room), like The Walking Dead, to pay the bills.  Not many people (relatively) watched Mad Men or Breaking Bad or even Deadwood in the first two seasons.  I think Hell On Wheels "averaging 3.2 million viewers and 1.5

Two of the last three threads here bring up Bohannon having gay sex for no apparent reason.

Well-funded HBO made a drama set in present-day New Jersey.  AMC is attempting to make a period drama while famously straining their financial resources.

Thanks for the reminders.  I subscribed to the TCM Now Playing viewer's guide last year around this time and I'm still always forgetting to look at the damned thing.

You can watch Last of the Mohicans tonight, because Busey isn't until tomorrow (if ABC's online schedule can be trusted). For some reason they are calling tomorrow the season premiere, and tonight's episode a sneak preview.

Hells bells, what's with these noobs thinking everything fell off the turnip truck the day before yesterday?

Indians derail a train, crispy conductor FX makeup, the villain gets dressed down by Durant and horsewhipped by the hero, Lily moves out and Durant turns on her, Lily befriends the whore whose romance with Common progresses, the music swells as the Johnny Reb, freedman and praying Indian ride side-by-side past an

Cribs are stalls where you keep farm animals, so it's a very appropriate term for her to use.

Okay, tonight's Celebrity Wife Swap is Tracey Gold/Carnie Wilson and tomorrow's is Gary Busey/Ted Haggard, and you're reviewing it because you're "completists"?

Well that's a charitable comment if I've ever read one.

Agreed.  Other shows on this site are far more worrthy of derision and getting a pass.

Ah, just like Prince Harry's bacon butty breakfasts!  You have me off to the market to buy a fat pig.

*jots down note to self about @FigPlucker seeing New Kids live 3 years ago*     

Probably Google Maps hasn't figured in the NYE tourists "fucking standing four abreast".