Bloody Mary

I wondered if they originally planned to have the dolphin in the Greek Gods sketch, then scrapped it, and were grasping for ideas and came up with a skit about the dolphin.  I had no patience to sit through it and fast-forwarded through it, and also as soon as I saw Cee-lo.

Being reminded of all these, I like MOST of her characters, including Aunt Linda who does the movie reviews on Update, but, sadly, Gilly and the skit she does with Armisen in the ugly sweaters making up songs as they go along, both almost negate any enjoyment I got from the others.

It's a good explanation, because it demonstrates that you consider slipping on a banana peel the height of hilarity.

Well, since my fifteen seconds of research tells me that the CSA unit that fought at the Battle of Meridian was the Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana, maybe I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they did more research than you.

I really liked it, too.  At the A.V. Club, MOTHERFUCKERS LIVE TO BE UNIMPRESSED.

I object to all the objections that they wouldn't have been ambivalent about what they imagined the railroad would bring, or that a man that owned a sum total of 5 slaves in the accepted practice wouldn't have been persuaded to free and pay them by a Northern woman he was in love with.  I think it's outright

Sorry, it's not a "Tea Party fantasy'.  The reality is, anytime the government undertakes any project, whether a necessity (prisons, defense), an investment in infrastructure (rail), or a civic duty (health care) some psychopathic asshole will always manage to take advantage and line his own pockets by bribing and/or


I think I agree with you on all these points, except I still love it.  The dialogue was fantastic, the story left much to be desired.  I'd add that Robin Weigert was outstanding as Jane.

Laura was NICE during the season?  In what alternate universe?

And Anya also requested that the makeup artist coat them in as much bronzer as possible!

I think the consensus is that the first is still the scariest, or most suspenseful.   I think the second was more suspenseful than this one also.

"best opening day gross for a 2011 film since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 back in July"

You CAN say my full name up to twice without repercussion, I promise.

It does gets a little Wicker Man/House of the Devil/Last Exorcism/Rosemary's Baby at the end.

I wonder how many hours I would have to drive to see this with a "mostly black audience".

I think you described why the ending is awesome.

When the bulk of the movie is setting up three or four jump scares and then the promotional team shows nearly all of those jump scares in the trailer, the movie is pretty effectively spoiled.  The first movie for sure.  This time they tried something different with the trailers, which might have had an equally

I don't know if this qualifies as a POSSIBLE SPOILER but those were decoy scenes in the trailers.  At least four of those things didn't happen or could be considered deleted/alternate scenes.
