Bloody Mary

And it was in extended play mode, six hours to a tape.  (Not that there weren't twenty bigger issues to consider before we get down to the quality of the recordings.)

I have to testify: I adore Sleepy Hollow and Planet of the Apes.

No one should have a soft spot for the Gene Wilder film.  They completely invalidated the plot by having Charlie and Grandpa disobey instructions just like all the other children.  And making him blond and obnoxious.  Freddy Highmore FTW.  And Wonka is supposed to be painfully awkward.  I just now read that Roald Dahl

I sincerely hope HBO knows that the thing keeping me from dropping my subscription is Bill Maher.  I'd also pick it back up for Ricky Gervais.

I had Showtime and wanted to watch, but I unknowingly waited just long enough for the first episode to drop off On Demand, then it was too late to get caught up.  I supposed they did that so subscribers won't just sign up for one month at the end and watch it all at once, but I wonder how much that backfires on them.

That does sound awesome.  I'm pissed my cable company doesn't offer it.  I hadn't heard of a special features option. I wasn't really planning on returning for the second season of Game of Thrones, though.

I caught the last few minutes of the last episode, and it convinced me to get caught up.

I don't have it either.  I hate that I'm paying the same price as the people that have it.  Can't wait to get it so I can bitch and moan about it, too.

I think Bored To Death could only improve without Ted Danson.

Of course, DVR data comes directly from the DVRs.  The diaries go out to capture info from people that aren't designated Nielsen families.

Religion MUST be denigrated until it is eradicated!  Are you possibly commenting from outside America?

If these children are lucky enough to have an iPad, please look into the iPad "app" version. It's the entire book plus videos and several really amazing activities.

Edit Disqus won't allow me to make above:

You are correct, that's actually what this is, a science primer for adults!  Shhh, don't let on!

This is exactly what this book is.  He presents questions, then the myths mankind has invented to answer them (Greek, bibical, and a wide array of others) and then explains the real actual scientific answer.

If anyone cares what Dawkins' actual stance on this (or response to you) is, watch him in this video, titled "Communicating Atheism (pt 4) Dawkins" on YouTube:

"it's the absolute, unbearable smugness Dawkins shows, the complete and unshakeable belief that he has every single answer and is the ultimate arbitrar of truth."

"And such like"?  That sounds like it may have been written by Miss
Teen USA South Carolina 2007.

I did check my facts first, seeing as how I had to wiki this guy to find out who the hell he was.  I was referring to the BET Awards in 2009 that I mentioned, which was the only thing on the emtire page I had ever heard of.

I thought BBC America was 24 hours of Gordon Ramsay.