No but pretty much everyone else got a sitcom or late night show or a successful film career.
No but pretty much everyone else got a sitcom or late night show or a successful film career.
Then would they be NKOTBSBN'cync
They called me smellson.
But have you seen the outfield… and the Pitching Staff! They got the guy from Street Fighter as their number 4 Starter.
Best Record in Baseball…
It makes sense that War Machine would be Chinese
A translucent cast
More like a talking ass.
What exactly are you trying to prove?
When are kids supposed to have fun?
But you gotta Draw the Line somewhere
This money's from the Montana Militia. It isn't real.
We need more @avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus license plates in the gift shit, repeat that we are all out of Never Gonna Register license plates.
At the flying saucer landing ports in Peru.
Most of the people who would find it funny also refuse to "learn Mexican" so the joke is pointless
It's good, but will it get them off their tractors?
If you don't specify with quotation marks then we don't know if you're talking about him being a deadly animal or a Spider-Man villain.
Bravo has Buffy and Daria reruns, something Paula Abdul will never be able to amount to… wait no that's logo.
Blessed's Alive?!?!?
If Cat Stevens played they'd try to have him arrested for terrorism