The 1996 Dodge Neon

According to wikipedia he got into Ventriloquism in fifth grade when he read a book called Ventriloquism for Fun and Profit and soon won a 25 dollar prize at a Church Picnic.

AVC's finger is not on the pulse of the American Public

Grammar Nazi

It turns out America is just a Band


According to that page they have 3 movies coming out this year… that itself is depressing

Am I the only one who read it as These ain't Girls XXX

But did he release them via Pepsi, was the first place you heard the song a Pepsi commercial?

Artistic Integrity is dead, she released her song in a pepsi commercial. 

Real Gay Sex
VW Jetta Confessions

Then leave

Does it end with Walt being beheaded by Zetas

¡Si Puta!

Didn't one of their screamer singer try to get his wife killed?

Does Lauren Conrad count?

Dollhouse, Firefly

What about 9gag?

I wouldn't say the Critics attack it. Most things I've heard from critics is praise

I can't believe the child-like pleasure I had the second I saw Chris O'Dowd's picture.

@avclub-b15c09f68d56c3bd35de82aefd6702bd:disqus but the Southern accent is more exotic than the Southern California accent.