
"Please be careful down there"? That's what she said!
She being Fitz.

Yeah, I'm hoping he survived (and we didn't *see* him die), but I should've known he was in trouble when the episode sorta-begins with him being all nice and having A Moment with the remote-controlled car.

That upset me too. But we didn't actually *see* him die, so there's a chance he's still alive.

I really wanted Katrina to take up the sword and die in the process. I actually kind of like Irving, even though the show seemed unsure what to do with him, and I think it would have been a nice twist if he'd stuck the sword in Moloch. But for all we know, Orlando Jones wanted out of the show, so I can't fault him for

Goose Island Bourbon County beers came out last week! I can only find the 'regular' stout (I'd probably have better luck if I lived near Chicago), but even it's soooo gooood.

Catching up on all the potential Oscar nominees? I need to get started on that. Starting with Boyhood and Birdman.

Same diff.

Well good news for ad creators (and bad news for the rest of us), there are lots of people without intelligence who still have money.

I was going through a Thora Birch phase, which brought me to see Ghost World once it came out on disc. I thought Johansson stole the show, and I finally realized how little there is there in Birch's performances (and people call Johansson blank…).

Oh man, that twist creeped me out.

Well quite a few of the Sandman universe angels weren't all that terrifying (Duma and Remiel come to mind).

Minuses are made up!

While I really don't think Alicia would actually be stupid enough to have written down what she wrote on that note (everyone knows that's the sort of thing you say, not write… unless you're an anonymous Internet commenter [hi!]), that was only a mild distraction from this gut punch of an episode. Well, that, and

While this show is still experiencing growing pains, and I'm really not sold on the character of Zed (not sure if it's the writing, or the actress' performance, or both), I'm enjoying it enough (especially Matt Ryan's performance) that I'd like to see it continue.

I actually gave this show a shot, but the humor is just too broad and hacky, even for a sitcom. And the titular character, while funny, mugs too much for the camera. Also, I really really hate laugh tracks.

Was it just me or did Nicole Beharie make a lot of odd faces in this episode? It was really distracting.

I feel like every Whedon show has at least one flat-out amazing actor/actress, usually in a supporting role. Buffy's was James Marsters, Angel's was Amy Acker, Firefly's was…well, most of the cast, and Dollhouse's was Enver.

Just the tips?

I thought Pearl was a decent enough replacement for Dr. Forrester, but Bobo couldn't hold a candle to TV's Frank.

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