Fire Bad Tree Pretty

Or even Domino. (Fuck off, I thought it was great.) No it's not his best, but it's better than the very mediocre Déjà Vu.

Don't feel bad. I laughed too. I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I couldn't help it. It was just too ridiculous. Plus I felt bad that Alexander Skarsgard had to act completely distraught while holding what was essentially a bag of goo.

I went through my iTunes to tryto find some albums that hadn't been posted yet. This is what I got:

Oh Lord, yes.  Right now I'm imagining "Midnight City" as taking a step into a kaleidoscope.

"More Eddie!  More Alex!  More David!  More that other guy!"

Actually, it's MISS Chanandler Bong.

Actually, it's MISS Chanandler Bong.

I was in high school working at a Pizza Hut in a small town during '99-'00.  Music in the place came only from a jukebox full of exactly what you'd expect.  Needless to say, I despise this song and regard this period of pop music to be some of the absolute worst to ever be released.  Not particularly a fan of the

I was in high school working at a Pizza Hut in a small town during '99-'00.  Music in the place came only from a jukebox full of exactly what you'd expect.  Needless to say, I despise this song and regard this period of pop music to be some of the absolute worst to ever be released.  Not particularly a fan of the

He was in a pretty funny movie called Splinterheads.  One of those Sunday afternoon pleasant surprises from not expecting much.

He was in a pretty funny movie called Splinterheads.  One of those Sunday afternoon pleasant surprises from not expecting much.

"How do you take your scotch?"
"By the quart."

"How do you take your scotch?"
"By the quart."

I have to disagree about Eegah. I only saw parts of the show here and there growing up, and Eegah was the first one I watched on DVD.  It's still one of my favorites.

I have to disagree about Eegah. I only saw parts of the show here and there growing up, and Eegah was the first one I watched on DVD.  It's still one of my favorites.



Maybe he watched "Objects in Space" a few too many times while being stoned out of his gourd.  

Maybe he watched "Objects in Space" a few too many times while being stoned out of his gourd.  

Could you describe the ruckus, sir?