
He's pretty kickass as Frankenstein in The Monster Squad.

I'm gonna go with Beach Boys, "I Wanna Pick You Up."

Someone here's gonna make a Real Housewife outta her.


Which would have been helpful in describing Corgan's career since 2001.

There wasn't a lot of quonsistenquy to his appliquation of the whole "c/q" thing. Sometimes it was "q," sometimes it was "qu," sometimes he used it in plaque of "c's" and sometimes in plaque of "k's," and it never showquased any real qureativity or eququentriquity. Plus it was a bitquh to dequipher. Good riddanque.

Yeah, so I listened to it. . . nevermind.

Well, on paper this sounds terrible, which means it's probably going to be great.

He ain't no false pud!

I have honestly never liked "Hotel California." I'll admit to being totally fine with "Lyin Eyes," "Desperado," and the intro to "One Of These Nights," but "Hotel California" has never really done anything for me. So many of my friends in high school absolutely loved that song, and I tried really hard to like it too,

Lorne's comment generally works, though I still think the best era was 86-93, and I was in elementary school for all of that. Also, I highly doubt anyone who was in high school in '82 really thinks the Ebersol years were the shit (Eddie Murphy notwithstanding).

Jane Curtin was one of the best Update anchors they've ever had. Seriously underrated.

To be fair, he didn't write "American Woman." He probably added all those "got to get away" things at the end to tie it in with his then-current hit song. Not an excuse, just an observation.

Blissful, hiss-free silence.

She ate no basil!

Yeah, that's pretty much how it went for me. The first album was decent, then I saw her at the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame concert in '95 and she was amazing, then her next couple records came out and I really enjoyed them, and then "Soak Up The Sun."

There's the problem, right there. Lenny Kravitz is writing rock songs to get people to put their clothes on to, it should be the other way around.

I was headed there when he made fun of people who "might have a third beer." Because, obviously, getting completely shit-faced in town is always the cool/hip thing to do. Moderation is for pussies!!

I'd enjoy it if someone picked a song they hated, and were then forced to talk to the artist themselves, and say to their face why their song is so bad.

Except Cookie Monster.