
I think Paul Wesley is ready to wrap it up. I have a sneaking suspicion Stefan is gonna die in the finale, anyway.

Oh - it was part of the Rayna the Vampire Huntress thing. She had eight lifetimes bound to these eight shamans. The Armory has possession of their preserved corpses, which were linked to her, and when she dies, one would deteriorate and she would regenerate. Damon alluded to the fact that they could destroy the corpse

True, but she didn't have some of the details she needed until she got the full story from Virginia that day, in terms of whether it was a thing or person…I guess…? Wait, why did she do that conveniently that day? lol

I was left annoyed at the end of this cold shower of an ep, but I guess that was a good twist, IDK? Though the more I think about it, the less "OMG!" and more confused I am, mostly because Rayna SUCKED on so many levels that I'm not sure what taking over her shit even means for Bonnie, I just hope it doesn't translate

I was ready to see Matt redeemed until that moment. I felt bad for him and I feel like they should give him something to do. But twisting it to blame Stefan. I don't even particularly like Stefan and thought that was weak and whack.

For better or worse, I don't think we're done with the Armory…

Glad to see her go, tbqh.

Intentional or not, I think you can make a case that she appeared intrigued by him even in their earliest scenes together. (I started binge watching older seasons I'd missed after they teased them, so paid attention.) He was a serious pain in the ass when he was on the other side, but she did at least think enough of

My most most favorite moment in the veritable desert was probably the dynamic between Bonnie/Enzo after Damon made his presence known. I do worry about the writers' ability to maintain the strength of the pairing (which I love) for various reasons but if Enzo letting Bonnie do what she had to do without comment or

I have had a limp-at-best relationship with TVD…came aboard randomly 3rd (?) season, watched sporadically, was offended that Bonnie got such lame plot treatment and quit for a while. Somehow I got wind of her character heading in a better direction so I caught 7-05 and then binge watched my way back into the fold from