
The effects in Roger Rabbit and Jurassic Park still hold up amazingly well because the filmmakers put a lot of work (and a lot of practical effects) into giving the animated effects weight. That iconic shot of the water glass trembling in Jurassic Park isn't just brilliant because it's a great visual, but because it

A while back I met the animator responsible for the final scene where all the Toontown residents burst through the wall and celebrate. Before he started work, he spent a year watching old cartoons of the characters he had to animate and learning to imitate each animator's style flawlessly. Even with the advances

He's libertarian and pretty socially conservative as well. Maybe Conner got him woke.

Sadly, "transracial" people are a genuine Internet thing. It's mostly white people who really, really want to be anime characters.

He's also the voice shouting things like "He's a radical rat!" between the lyrics.

Mark Hamill is best Joker. There have been some fine live-action Jokers, but that's the voice you hear in your head while reading Batman comics.

To get serious for a moment, because that's totally what people reading a thread about a Miley Cyrus meltdown are looking for, it drives me nuts that people still treat O'Connor's SNL stunt as just a nutty bald lady hatin' on the Pope.  It was intended as a protest against the Catholic church's systemic coverup of

The one with Monica Lewinsky and the iron masks was a different show, but sadly very real.

Every Spin Doctors song is about how a girl should leave that asshole she's with and date the Spin Doctors.  They're the official band of Nice Guys.

Thanks to one of the biggest furry conventions meeting in Pittsburgh, where my family lives, they all know about furries.  I have had to field many uncomfortable questions.

I don't buy Paul Verhoeven as a subtle satirical genius who's just pretending to make B movies.  I buy him as a great B movie director who sometimes puts in satirical stuff, and is also brilliant at bullshitting a thesis.

In high school I used to collect old issues of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction just for "Harlan Ellison's Watching," even though I almost never agreed with his opinions.  He was just so beautiful in his rage.

For a long time I felt Watchmen was overrated compared to other Alan Moore comics (especially From Hell), but every time I read it I discover something new.  I still don't know if it's his best, but it really is perfect, like a fine piece of clockwork—appropriately to the "watch" motif.

Have we learned nothing from the bit in "The Wizard of Oz" where Dorothy is warned not to fool around near the pigpen?

Signourney Weaver did that over-the-shoulder half-court basketball shot herself, for real, on the first take.  That is why she will be our queen.

I quote that line constantly.  "I looked into deh bear's eyes und saw notting… only boredom, und a vague desire for foood."  It has so many applications.

Niles represents one of my favorite dirty tricks in writing: if you have a protagonist with traits that might make him/her unlikeable, add another character who has the same traits, but worse.  If you do it right, the protagonist will come off as more relatable and the foil's behavior will come off as more extreme,

There's a gag in one episode that just amazes me: Niles is missing Maris and decides to get a dog to keep him company.  Then he comes into Frasier's apartment leading a little whippet dog that looks just like Maris.  Think about it: the characters on the show were so well established that the audience could recognize

Fake shows on 30 Rock I would watch, in order of interest:
1. Black Frasier
2. Queen of Jordan
3. Grizz and Dotcom's proposal for a socially relevant sitcom set in 1970s Detroit, but with a talking dog
4. The sitcom Grizz ends up making, "Grizz and Hers"
5. Homonym