
I thought the episode was okay. This, on the other hand, is FANTASTIC.

I thought the episode was okay. This, on the other hand, is FANTASTIC.

Ichiro song sounds like it would be the intro to a television show that I would definitely watch.

Ichiro song sounds like it would be the intro to a television show that I would definitely watch.

This is a real debate? That video is hilarious. From Esquire interview:

This is a real debate? That video is hilarious. From Esquire interview:

It's actually Jack S'Junior PLAYING harris wittels! But actually I think his persona is pretty accurate, other than him being the butt of all the jokes, starting with Phone Corner, on Comedy Bang Bang when he's friends with Scott (kinda like Brett Gelman).

This guy is my favorite podcast guest who doesn't do characters (lumberjacks not included). 
I was listening to him on a podcast (forgot which) and he mentioned he wanted @twittels as his twitter handle. I talked to a friend at twitter and she got it for him (humblebrag, actually just a regular brag). A few comedians I

My favorite: "Pineapple makes semen taste good, but semen makes pineapple taste awful!"