Sessile Fielder

"And no sensationalizing? Watch the son's 'reunion' with his mother and perhaps reconsider that …"

The bottle of wine Simmons finds on the planet is also visible inside the satchel held by the English guy from the 1800s as he's sent off to his fate in the opening of the second episode.

The last one should clearly be FUCKRE.

I thought the story would have been better if the holy man turned out to be the devil.

No, I meant that they didn't even know that Javadi's son was on the title or whatever.

The scene where Dana left reminded me a bit of the scene where Martha Plimpton moves out of Dianne Wiest's house in Parenthood, specifically watching Jessica's emotions run the gamut from shocked/angry to desperate/maternal.

Rear view mirror?

@avclub-b9a8f4af85454f7c56c06f0a39e7ec23:disqus Gee, I've been saved by Jack, how swell.

The cut to the jolly roger is suspiciously close to her saying the word "misfit".

The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon has manifested itself with regard to the word "kaiju" to me recently using Pacific Rim and "Grace" from Skelethon.

"I see your little, petrified skull…labeled and resting on a shelf somewhere."

@avclub-85b0faa88b92483cbe957df7eb9602cd:disqus I can take it or leave it each time.

Ray said something about mitigating the stalker threat, which she interpreted as him telling her to get a dog—and indeed, he later told her to get a dog.

I was hoping this episode was a little more poorly written so I could reply with: "'The Quality of Mercy' is not strnen."

Stiff Little Fingers.

Fraffly well spoken.

@avclub-f5e9fe6d78bf73228dd1b263395189c4:disqus I actually thought it was a Zooey Deschanel/New Girl reference at first.