Ray Boyd

Did you know that when glass breaks, the cracks move at speeds of up to 3,000 miles per hour?

CATURDAY FACT: A cat is blessed with over a hundred vocal chords.

CATURDAY FACT: a cat's breathe smells like cat food.

CATURDAY FACT: Just like a human fingerprint, the nose pad of a cat is ridged with a pattern, which is unique.

CATURDAY FACT: A cat's body temperature is 102 F

CATURDAY FACT: The tiny barbs, which are located on a cat's tongue, help it to scoop the liquid backward.

CATURDAY FACT: "Clowder, " is what a group of grown cats are called.

Did you know
that the moon is 1/4 the size of Earth?

Did you know that the behavioral symptoms in children with lead poisoning are: -irritability or aggressiveness
-hyperactivity, being easily distracted, impulsiveness
-learning problems
-lack of interest in play
-loss of appetite

Did you know that there are as many chickens on Earth as there are humans?

Did you know that tiger shark embryos fight each other in their mother's womb and that the survivor is born?