
Oh, when i said Wednesday, I meant Thursday.

I call bullshit on this review. Tonight's episode was immensely entertaining.
Best moment occurred when at the first tribal council i moved my mouse and i saw that i was less than half way through the show.
I was more than pleased.
This is how i smoke my Wednesday joints.
Watch last weeks episode of Survivor.
Watch latest

Must say, the rating seems low, I really enjoyed this episode.

i give the review an A-, points off for not dwelling on the horror, the horror. But then, i guess we all have ptsd after that, and the memory is still raw so don't rub it in.
Thought the episode had some great highs, led by the cast. Yet the lows in the plot, theme(s) and story were so very worrisome and quite dire.

I thought the assumption we were to make was that Littlefinger told the whores not to take the money to see if Pod could be bought. Also told the whores to let on to Pod that he was a masterful lover to hide Littlefinger's, ahem, hand. Pod gave the money back to Tyrion telling his story that even he can not quite


you make my feel like my fandom is not big enough

I do not think he liked being Dick, and surfing is not easy.

One thing.
The last person Don saw die was Lane, Don did not want his life. The person Don saw die before that was Don Draper in Korea. Don was a stranger, Dick knew fuck all about Don. Dick became Don. Dicks Don.

Correct me if i am wrong but was not Don married to a lady from California? I like to think that he spent just enough time there to know it was not for him. New York, a million miles long and a million miles wide, that is one square the new Mr Draper could find a niche.

It has very little to do with Megan, she is a symptom and a pain reliever. Aspirin is only good for one headache, it does not cure them.
Don is a man who grew up with out happiness. Son of a prostitute, he took on the name of a dead man he did not know and figured out that being the middle man in peoples happiness

I do like yelling at them though.

Hah, you either have a gift for satire or you have found you think this is a The Walking Dead discussion and have misheard the character names.
OH SHIT, characters i care about. New character Sandy, Oh NO, how do i cope? Where did she come from? 
Oh you bastard "who is Sandy?"
seriously who let you in?


You Sir are also wrong, in mine own opinion. I enjoyed the violin scene, thought it played out quite well. The boys have a dad, Betty has let go of Don, she no longer competes with her daughter, she didn't eat a sweet at the ballet, grandma is now awesome. 
Respect where respect is due.

I feel that you are wrong and you have messed up your own viewing pleasure of a stand out piece of art. This is not a report in the newspaper, this is not a listing of facts in black and white. This is blood and bone storytelling and this was the first chapter. The first chapter introduces and begins, it

I must say that i disagree. 
Alas i watch this show (most , no all, shows) pretty, pretty , pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, stoned. So can only string these few sentences together.
I disagree. 
When celebrant Probst came out and proclaimed that this would be a great season, wariness flamed up in my gut. I

i have raised this elsewhere, but how about a season with a whole returning class. Re-watching FvF, wondering how they would play knowing now what they know.

i have raised this elsewhere, but how about a season with a whole returning class. Re-watching FvF, wondering how they would play knowing now what they know.

Could not make the effort to watch anymore of this season after episode 4. I will admit that i somehow kept coming back to watch for along time, too long obviously, i am so ashamed. I am an optimist.
Have read the review, feel safe in trusting my instincts and not watching anymore.
BEST PART. The picture above.
3 duck