
Devils fan here. I actually really like Chicago (Toews is phenomenal) and was pulling for them. It's strange; I have my local favorites (Yankees/Giants/Knicks) but the only NY team I won't root for is the Rangers. Hell, if the Mets ever got to another WS (providing it wasn't against the Yankees) I'd root for them

I got the same album and I've been going back and forth trying to really see the difference between the two versions. It's not immediately apparent. To me, the regular (or "fast") version sounds a bit more raw but I'm not sure if that's the best way to describe it.

I've been fortunate enough to see them several times and they put on one of the best performances I've ever seen. I have a friend who's close with several members in the band, so I've gotten to meet and hang out with them as well. Honestly, the nicest, most down to earth and friendly bunch of people you'll ever

I wanted to but it sold out months ago. I think the next show they play in NYC isn't until September.

I got the pre-prder on vinyl last week and haven't stopped listening to the album since. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love this band and I was really interested to see where they would go after "David Comes to Life". Of all past albums, this one seems to be much more a culmination of what they were

I think the last tour worked out well (I don't mean financially but remember, recording "Shape of Punk To Come" they almost killed each other, so it was more of let the past go and move on) and they plan to do more shows at some point.

It sold out in NYC before I could get a ticket and it fucking killed me. I'm largely done with my concert/show days but there's still a few bands I want to see and Refused is probably at the top of the list. (I've completely given up on ever seeing Fugazi live. Watching "Instrument" will have to do.)

Try the Zodiac EPs, "Year of the Rat" and "Year of the Tiger" being (in my opinion) the best. Just bought "Year of the Dragon" and it's… a bit more difficult to get into. It's interesting and certainly changes shape at almost 20 minutes long but it seems more of an experiment than anything else.

Does anyone have change for a button?

I *hated* the single they kept pushing on facebook but I'm buying this anyway. I love Mercer and I'm sure there will be more than a few tracks I end up really liking. Still, I'd much rather a new Shins album.

You just can't trust Frank Stallone these days.

Oooo! The Dawes article was great and holiday themed, too. I forgot about that.

I love the Shins and think all of their albums have their individual merits but yeah, Port of Morrow is probably the one I listen to the least.

Damn straight.  I listened to it on a loop for a month straight when it first came out.

No, you turned out the way you did because she let you wear a bathing suit for underwear one time.

It's clearly their Kid A.

Fuck it, I still like that song.

"Shape of Punk" is so absurdly good it's scary.  I still listen to it all the time.