Well, just be thankful they're not Hydrox… Those things are a crime against nature.
Well, just be thankful they're not Hydrox… Those things are a crime against nature.
I'm curious as to the siren that you hear going past. I wonder if AV Club headquarters was about to get raided.
"Mrs. Simpson, don't you worry. I watched Matlock in a bar last night, the sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it."
Greatest quote ever.
He'll always be my 'Marty'.
Brooklyn Lager is my go-to beer, especially if it's on tap. I've always wanted to tour the brewery but never got the chance.
Damn straight…
Are you serious? If so, that's awesome.
Damnit. You beat me to it.
My god, it even has a watermark.
Cash Warren.
I'm wearing it now.
You better be there… Maybe we can drag Kirk's ass down from Boston.
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus WHAT?! When? TELL ME!!!! Did this come up on twitter and I just missed it?
You know what this remake needs….?
There is a shot of melting milk bottles and ferrel children.
There is NEVER not a good time to introduce someone to Harlequin babies. It's the gift of the Internet that keeps on giving.
Psht. I don't care what an artist's background or beliefs are. I still listen to Hitler's third album. Pitchfork gave it a 4.7 but those guys are fucking pretentious assholes.
Gleaming the Cube was pretty cool.
G'night, Bert. I'm just gonna rest my hand between these two pillows…
I think it might even be closed now. I've never eaten there but the area has a ton of good restaurants and bars that you'd probably be better off frequenting.