
That's funny. I lost the filling for my root canal this weekend.  My procedure, while technically painless, was not the best 70 minutes I've ever spent trapped in a chair (insert any joke you deem appropriate).  The big problem was that it was my lower molar tooth, which is already cramped as it is.  Having your mouth

That's funny. I lost the filling for my root canal this weekend.  My procedure, while technically painless, was not the best 70 minutes I've ever spent trapped in a chair (insert any joke you deem appropriate).  The big problem was that it was my lower molar tooth, which is already cramped as it is.  Having your mouth

That's an interesting comparison.  I adore "Generation Kill" and think it's probably the best representation of the complexity of modern war I've ever seen.  I like "Paths of Glory" but find it heavy handed and obvious at times. "Hate the System/Evil Commander.  Root for the off the cuff hero.  Empathize for the

That's an interesting comparison.  I adore "Generation Kill" and think it's probably the best representation of the complexity of modern war I've ever seen.  I like "Paths of Glory" but find it heavy handed and obvious at times. "Hate the System/Evil Commander.  Root for the off the cuff hero.  Empathize for the



He's wearing a shirt that says "Bubble Master".  What the fuck does that even mean?  I'm guessing from the silhouette of the naked girl that it's about breasts.  Even if that's the case, it's still incredibly stupid.

He's wearing a shirt that says "Bubble Master".  What the fuck does that even mean?  I'm guessing from the silhouette of the naked girl that it's about breasts.  Even if that's the case, it's still incredibly stupid.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus There was pulpy aspect to 'Hannibal' and the absurd lengths he goes about to having the demise of certain characters is sometimes entertaining (you would never believe how 'Hannibal' ends. Ridley Scott made a wise choice in avoiding that little bit of absurdity.)  I

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus There was pulpy aspect to 'Hannibal' and the absurd lengths he goes about to having the demise of certain characters is sometimes entertaining (you would never believe how 'Hannibal' ends. Ridley Scott made a wise choice in avoiding that little bit of absurdity.)  I

The only other McCammon I've read is 'Swan Song' which was pretty good but a hell of a lot longer than it should have been.  It's like he's competing with Stephen King for attempting epic, end of the world novels.

The only other McCammon I've read is 'Swan Song' which was pretty good but a hell of a lot longer than it should have been.  It's like he's competing with Stephen King for attempting epic, end of the world novels.

I haven't read 'Silence of the Lambs' but 'Hannibal' was awful.  It's pretty much the reason I've never picked up another copy of the series.  My ignorant, one book assessment of Thomas Harris is that he is a fucking terrible writer.

I haven't read 'Silence of the Lambs' but 'Hannibal' was awful.  It's pretty much the reason I've never picked up another copy of the series.  My ignorant, one book assessment of Thomas Harris is that he is a fucking terrible writer.

I'm actively telling anyone to not see 'Prometheus'.  The only exception (and most of the remarks I've encountered) is when someone says, "Yeah, but we're going to the IMAX showing."  I've only seen the standard 3D version but there's no way a shit-ton of giant, beautiful CGI can make up for how dumb and lifeless that

I'm actively telling anyone to not see 'Prometheus'.  The only exception (and most of the remarks I've encountered) is when someone says, "Yeah, but we're going to the IMAX showing."  I've only seen the standard 3D version but there's no way a shit-ton of giant, beautiful CGI can make up for how dumb and lifeless that

I think last year was the first time I remembered Father's Day in my life.  I'm 33.

I think last year was the first time I remembered Father's Day in my life.  I'm 33.

Of all of the Coen's films, 'Barton Fink' is the one I really just couldn't get into.  It took me a few viewings of 'A Serious Man' to really start to get into it but 'Barton Fink' has always just put me off for some reason.

Of all of the Coen's films, 'Barton Fink' is the one I really just couldn't get into.  It took me a few viewings of 'A Serious Man' to really start to get into it but 'Barton Fink' has always just put me off for some reason.