I only cut across your lawn because it's the fastest way to get to that really awesome rope swing Billy's dad made last summer.
I only cut across your lawn because it's the fastest way to get to that really awesome rope swing Billy's dad made last summer.
I'm not gonna lie here, I actually watched the trailer and laughed a few times. And boy oh boy is Leighton Meester easy on the eyes.
She's made entirely out of Muppet.
I did, too and immediately wondered what Eve Ensler did to piss her off.
Women: You Should Be In the Kitchen Instead of Reading This
The blogosphere, like the Internet, is a series of connected tubes.
Legend has it, Einstein was working on a 12th, 13th and 14th dimensions of porn when he died. Richard Feynman briefly picked up where he left off but was soon too overwhelmed at the repercussions of the results would mean on the fabric of the universe.
"My Daughter Is A Sperm Hoarder"
I read your biography of Paul Mooney and thought it was sloppy with many glaring omissions and in deep need of a competent editor. No deal.
That was a good one.
Am I alone in thinking The Big Red NO shouldn't have been used here? It really has to keeps its exclusive, rare standards.
That's the only reason to go to the movies. Well, that and Junior Mints.
I've thought about buying a pizza stone but don't really make enough to warrant it. Again, my problem is the dough. I buy the fresh stuff from the grocery store but I can't ever flatten it out right. I end up with a lumpy pie that's probably half the size it ought to be. It ends up tasting fine but I want better.
@avclub-125c0e943c73bb8a0840ab524fdcbd08:disqus Coal oven, sort of on the non-traditonal side (which I am usually very wary of) but absolutley fantastic. The best pizza I've had either in the city or on the shore. I know you're in the next town over so I wondered if you had been.
@avclub-125c0e943c73bb8a0840ab524fdcbd08:disqus ! Yes, I was hoping you popped into this thread. You ever eaten at Del Ponte's in Bradley Beach? Best pizza I have ever had in my entire life. If you haven't been, go.
I just dig my hand into a can of Crisco and chow down. I'm old school like that.
They must have thrown a ton of money at Danica Patrick for some of those GoDaddy commercials. My personal pet peeve are ads for insurance. I will never ever buy Geico or Progressive because I want to hurl my fist through a wall or drive a bus of kittens off a cliff every time I hear those ads.
Wait, bourbon in tea? Iced or hot? I've never heard that before.
I fucking HATE that Dr. Pepper commercial. It's one of those instances where I won't buy a product because the advertising is so bad.