
Whatever.  It's a body of water that's on fire.  God never intended water to burn.

Cleveland gets burning lakes.

"a "natural perversion" for which there is no conceivable evolutionary purpose."

RE: Simpsons joke.  The episode where they cut to the talk show 'Gentle Ben'.  I'd say this is a direct reference to it.  Read the whole entry and see what you think.

Oh Jesus, fuck.  After reading that Wiki entry, I realize that's the basis for one of my all-time 'Simpsons' jokes.  Seriously, that is not cool and I really feel messed up right now.

More true words have never been spoken.  A-fucking-men.  And this is coming from an actor who actually got paid.  Somewhat.

"It is disturbing because he sounds calm and empty".

It's funny how those clips about actual war are scrubbed from the modern consciousness.  I went through a phase where that stuff held a morbid fascination for me but once you get to certain things you can't unsee, your perspective changes pretty fast.  I watched some 9/11 footage not too long ago and even that I don't

I mentioned the Nick Berg video elsewhere but had forgotten about Daniel Pearl.  Don't think I need to watch that, either.

I listened to about a minute or so.  It's not so much horrible as it is wrenchingly sad.  The way he speaks, he's slow and calm but my god, there's just a helpless tone that gives me chills.

It was almost sanitary.  That is until the blood started.

I've been tempted to watch the Nick Berg video but a pretty strong-willed friend of mine says it's horrifying.  Think I'll keep that one unseen.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  I remember having a conversation with you about this not so long ago.  I mentioned this earlier but I have a pretty high tollerance for blood and guts but every once in a while something comes along that I really wish I hadn't seen.  I remember in highschool we came

I have to admit, I did the same thing to a friend with that Budd Dwyer video.  He really did sort of get pissed and I immediately felt like a complete asshole.  I love blindsiding people with fucked up images, videos, etc but this one is sort of off limits.

That Budd Dwyer shit was fucked up.  I was haunted by watching that and I have a good stomach for blood and violence.

@avclub-bd6db8346527b61b67be99c93d42c986:disqus  Exactly.  Any pair of Chuck Taylors that aren't scuffed, torn and dirty are immediately suspect.  And seeing that they're canvas, if they ever get too nasty, you can just throw them in the washing machine.

Everyone always says that but I've been wearing them for years and I've always felt they were comfortable and never had any problems.

There really isn't a better pair of shoes than beat-to-shit black Converse Chuck Taylors.

One of my all time favorite foods as a kid was souvlaki from the street vendors in Manhattan.  (I have a strange affinity for classic street food.  A couple Sabrettes with mustard and saurkraut and I'm good to go.).  Strange, because you don't see much souvlaki nowadays.

I guess I'm just more of souvlaki fan myself.