
Yet again I attempt to get through one of these posts and yet again I fail.  And the first sentence is sort of interesting in a weird way, despite the fact it doesn't make any sense.

Take it outside, God boy.

@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus  As it so happens, I have a can of said wasabi almonds in front of me right now.  Of course it's empty but give me $10 and I'll let you lick the powder from the bottom.  C'mon.  You know you want it. . .

Never cared for gyros.  Lamb has a nasty taste.

Cashews are where it's at.  Also, Blue Diamond Bold wasabi and soy sauce almonds. 

I still like him better than Steinbrenner.

This book is made entirely possible by the basketball prowess of Jeremy Lin.  And by contributions from viewers like you.

This post is reserved for the hate and vitriol of Sweet Clam.  I actually find that very tollerable.

I was just going to post that the Oscars are never irritating.  One of the few television events I look forward to each year.

From what I understand, lack of hoverboards is what brought down N.A.S.A.

The parts where Damon is mimicking Law's character are downright creepy.

The way the blood starts to gradually spurt out is perfect.

How's the peeping, Tommy?  Huh?  Tommy, how's the peeping?

Agreed.  I saw it as a teenager when it first came out, about the same time I was also getting into great dramatic period pieces from the 40's and 50's so its sweeping, grand approach was easier to accept.  I haven't seen it again in years so I'm not sure what my take on it would be today but I very much remember it

Your logic and historical recollection are flawless and should be taught and studied in the world's greatest universities.  You have not only provided this country with a proper (yet, in my opinion, a far too late) narrative for Mr. Roosevelt but set the course for future generations that will stand humbled by your

Jeff Garlin looks so much like Harvey Weinstein it's uncanny.  For a few years I actually had misstaken the two and wondered why everyone thought Harvey was such a dick.

I've had the same three dvds sitting on my shelf for months.  I'm honestly at a point where I return movies, unwatched, out of guilt someone else might be waiting for them in their queue.

Free-soil Whig!

Does Wayne Brady have to Chris Brown a bitch?

Oh, she's hot @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus .  Ask for the "#7".  Trust me.