
The reboot that came out a few years ago has to one of the most violent movies I've ever seen.  There were scenes where it was so over the top I actually thought to myself "holy shit, that's a lot of violence."  Despite being dumb it's actually a fairly entertaining movie.

Interesting that you bring up weed.  I stopped smoking in college (where I pretty much did every drug under the sun) but have recently wanted to start again.  A friend's wife gave me some a few weeks ago (about a joints worth) and it was so strange to be a little stoned for the first time in ages. 

I love when these little threads pop up and we discuss who is taking what.  Like @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I mix xanax and alcohol pretty much every day (although I'm usually never more than a half milligram and some wine) and if anything it has a stabilizing effect, which I suppose is the

*gives Evil Eye*

And Fucked Up didn't even get nominated!  What a sham.


Fuck that, I want Skrillex.  SKRIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLEX!

Fuck you.  I laughed at that.


I was a bit surprised to see Skrillex on the NPR facebook feed this morning.  Well, Diane Rehm gets what she wants.

See also:  Jamesway.

Needs more UFOs.  And Nostradomafy it by %10.

Southwest sauce?

One of the greatest pictures I've ever seen.  I want it on a t-shirt.  The only thing that would make it more sad is if it took place in a Bradlees' food court circa 1985.

DON'T TELL ME this guy shouldn't be locked away for life.

I regret to say I've been struck down by. . .by. . . CONSUMPTION.

Awwww!  I was going to Toshi station to pick up some power discussions!

I was a U Delaware alum (tell me you are, too and I'll hug you.  In a good way.)  My professor was actually older and had good standing on the faculty.  She actually asked me to take post-grad courses but damn, those were some loooooong ass classes.  Not to mention there were some dim bulbs in there, too. 

That's a lot of hostility from you considering this isn't an Amelie article.  I agree that more adventurous chances should be taken by studios but the return on a shitty romantic comedy or some other dreck is far higher considering they cost a fraction of this to make.  Maybe a studio dumps money into a project like

I took a Bible class, too and it was surprisingly entertaining.