This was my senior thesis class. By and large, being an English major is fun in college but not when it comes to Milton. It didn't help that my professor wasn't all that dynamic to begin with.
This was my senior thesis class. By and large, being an English major is fun in college but not when it comes to Milton. It didn't help that my professor wasn't all that dynamic to begin with.
I think it's adorable you call them "actress".
I actually like him although I thought 'Antichrist' was the shittiest things I've ever seen. I want those 2 and a half hours of my life back. I really, really did not like that movie.
Silly, horses can't fly. Only British people can fly.
Without your Dawes helmet, Dave? You're going to find that rather difficult.
'House' the movie is fucking classic. That's NCC material right there. Good mix of really, really dark humor and some good scares.
There's a video floating around of how "chicken" products are made. Essentially, they mash up everything, bones and all, throw coloring in (the raw product actually looks like pink toothpaste) and add flavor. All in all it's a pretty nasty process but fuck it, I'm still gonna eat my McNuggets.
I have not seen this program but I feel confidant in saying that this is the single greatest episode in modern television history. It will be more important and watched than every Super Bowl combined, 47 Jerry Lewis Telethons and the final episode of M.A.S.H.
She'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
I hope it turns into a festival that sucks so bad it actually tears a hole in the fabric of the universe and Atlantic City ceases to exist. I hate that place.
You can't fake That Laurel Canyon Sound, my friend.
Ah yes, I'm familiar with the cave drawings depicting our ancestors dressing up like super heroes and aging rock stars.
This is pretty much what I do every Sunday afternoon.
Bullshit. The real catwoman is Eartha Kitt and you damn well know it.
Summer Glau or get the fuck out.
I don't like Rush Limbaugh and don't know much about Bill Hicks but that bit seems like the anti-profound of what this article is about. It's just Hicks creating a scene that's just as disgusting as it could be without really putting anything in context. Ok, he hates Limbaugh but why exactly? Is there one thing he…
Paranoid Park was good.
Holiday Inn?! What the hell do you think I'm made of, gold?
I'm sorry but I'll need to operate. Nurse, get me a table knife, three napkins a coaster and my copy of A Bartenders Bible. STAT!
Venti Mocha Death